PgRouting - Contraction Hierarchies

I have been developing for a few weeks the functionality of Contraction Hierarchies in PgRouting. Here are my 4 PR, on my fork : Pull requests · AuBousquet/pgrouting · GitHub

I have several questions:

  • how should I process exactly to submit these PR to you on the main repository?
  • on which version should I rebase?
  • could you help me with the CI faults observed in these PR, since I do not know what the problems are?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Aurélie BOUSQUET - Oslandia


The main repository for pgRouting is our stable branch, so you wouldn’t be submitting there.

You should target develop branch - GitHub - pgRouting/pgrouting at develop.

Regarding your ci issues, I’ve only taken a quick glance:

  • Regarding centos-7 - we don’t support Centos-7 so no need to worry about that one.
  • doc-check query @cvvergara would probably be more helpful with that than I would be.

That said, I think you should submit a pull request against develop branch, you can mark it as WIP until we get the tests passing.

Thank you for your contribution,

Hi Aurélie

I had a fast glance to the code.

So before thinking on the final PR to pgRouting let me mention that:

  1. A PR of new functionality has like 5/6 commits, organized per directory: doc, sql, pgtap, docqueries, include, src, tools. That is we don’t want to keep the whole history of the development of the code of the new functionality. (see this PR example
  2. Maybe like the GSoC students, sometimes the whole work history needs to be kept, that you are doing on your fork.

Now about the code, Normally its new code, as you can see on the above example. But your code is also modifying existing code. Which makes things a little bit more tricky.

When I have encountered that situation, the most recent on vrpRouting, I have to do it in a series of PR, Basically from the PR #43 up to #64 is the work done in “one” branch of my fork. Other wise the review of the code is mostly impossible.

So, in order to prepare your code for merging to pgRouting repository, we can set a weekly meeting where we go thru your code and the steps that need to be done to make it work.

If it can be finish before the v4.0.0 release (on develop) that I am working on, would be lovely, other wise it would be on v4.1.0. So the sooner we get into working on it the better.

For the meeting time and place:
Mondays at 9am on

We can have an introductory meeting on the 16th (please confirm). and then continue on January (On Dec 23 I am cooking for the Xmas and on the 30th I am on vacation)


omg, “Monday at 9am” I forgot you might not be in Mexico. So it is at 15:00 CMT time.

Sorry, I did not have a look at your message yesterday. I will be available at 15 CMT time on january 6th.

Aurélie Bousquet

1 Like


First I wish you a happy 2025!

@cvvergara I’m a colleague of @AuBousquet. It seems she has some computer issues today, she has just asked me to warn you that she probably won’t be able to attend to the PGRouting meeting today…

Then the CH topic will probably be postponed to the next meeting (next week?)…

Best regards,

Raphaël D.


I am sorry, I had some computer issues that made me not being able to attend the meeting today. Could it be possible to plan a new one on next monday please ?

Sorry again.
Best regards,
Aurélie Bousquet

Hi, sure lets meet next week.

@AuBousquet Found your email on the oslandia website, and sent you a calendar invite

Hello, I am connected to the Jitsi meeting. Are there any problems for you?



Is it the right time for you? Or did I make a mistake with the time shift?


I just arrived from Toluca.
Are you still around?

Hi @AuBousquet
Here is the information about the contribution agrement
We use this one without modifications.
Please send it to me privately, I will forward it to the OSGeo Secretary. and keep you posted.

Hi @cvvergara,

I sent it to you by email.

I have rewritten my PRs in three, according to your recommendations:

Could you have a look at both and tell me if we need to talk in a visio later?

I also have made one more PR where I noted my contribution steps, which could be useful for others I think : Contributing guide by AuBousquet · Pull Request #13 · AuBousquet/pgrouting · GitHub

Could you tell me if you would like to integrate it in the develop branch?


Forwarded the contributor agreements to the secretary, thanks.

Hello @AuBousquet and all,

Meeting to continue the review of the work on contraction hierarchies.

Date/time: Monday January 20 at 15:00 UTC
Location: Meeting takes place at OSGeo meet

Sent an invite to: @AuBousquet and @robe
I encourage the potential GSoC students to come and listen.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the meeting.



I have a problem with the documentation compilation. It seems to be linked to the PG server configuration language, but I do not know how to change it. Could you help me?

Processing docqueries/contraction/ Run time: 0.363445 FAIL
Processing docqueries/contraction/ Run time: 0.329697 FAIL
Processing docqueries/contraction/ Run time: 0.357435 FAIL
$stats = {
‘RunTimeTotal’ => ‘1.050577’,
‘docqueries/contraction/’ => 'FAILED: 28c28
< (18 rows)

(18 lignes)
< (7 rows)

(7 lignes)
< (17 rows)

(17 lignes)
< (17 rows)

(17 lignes)
< (22 rows)

(22 lignes)
< (7 rows)

(7 lignes)
< (8 rows)

(8 lignes)
< (3 rows)

(3 lignes)
< (0 rows)

(0 ligne)
< (0 rows)

(0 ligne)
< (3 rows)

(3 lignes)
< (3 rows)

(3 lignes)
< (0 rows)

(0 ligne)
< (3 rows)

(3 lignes)
< (3 rows)

(3 lignes)
< (5 rows)

(5 lignes)',
‘docqueries/contraction/’ => 'FAILED: 18c18
< (7 rows)

(7 lignes)
< (5 rows)

(5 lignes)
< (2 rows)

(2 lignes)',
‘docqueries/contraction/’ => 'FAILED: 32c32
< (21 rows)

(21 lignes)
< (19 rows)

(19 lignes)',
‘z_crash’ => 0,
‘z_fail’ => 3,
‘z_pass’ => 0


The points we discussed yesterday are corrected in the PR : Contraction hierarchies by AuBousquet · Pull Request #18 · AuBousquet/pgrouting · GitHub

Con you do a git rebase upstream/develop to the contraction_hierarchies branch so that I can make a PR to it

it has been done.