[pgrouting-dev] 1_To_Many Dijkstra (KDijkstra) review request

Dear pg_routing-ers,

I posted a slightly modified version of shortest_path a few weeks ago and created the related wiki page :

As soon as the main feedback I had is "Issue n°66" (https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/66), I wonder if any of you would try it and thus if (and how?) I can close the issue.

I see through the current discussions that you are working on more important matters, but I still would appreciate a few minutes of your time.
Thank you for this great tool btw!


Hi Sylvain,

I thought you might want to know that I just merged you KDijkstra code into pgRouting 2.0 dev branch sew-devel-2_0. I changed the API slightly to conform to the standards we are trying to set for the 2.0 release.

Thank you for your contribution.

-Steve W

On 9/13/2012 5:40 AM, Sylvain Housseman wrote:

Dear pg_routing-ers,

I posted a slightly modified version of shortest_path a few weeks ago
and created the related wiki page :

As soon as the main feedback I had is "Issue n°66"
(https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/66), I wonder if any of
you would try it and thus if (and how?) I can close the issue.

I see through the current discussions that you are working on more
important matters, but I still would appreciate a few minutes of your time.
Thank you for this great tool btw!


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