[pgrouting-dev] apsp_warshall question

On 3/12/2014 12:26 PM, patrick schirmer wrote:

Dear Stephen,

I saw your note on githup concerning an error in pgr_apspWarshall
(https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/107). As I am not a
computer scientist and no developer, forgive me not to comment on
Github, but do you know the state of that function?

To my understanding this function does not create undirected links, even
though it claims to do so. When running it on a streetnetwork I observe
that I have different values for 1->2 and 2->1. The network you use as
testcase (https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/107) has the
same output: the output from 1 to 2 is given, while the direction 2 to 1
is missing!

Hope to get a feedback on this issue from you,

Sincerely, Patrick


I'm not sure I can help you much with these algorithms. Both were developed by some of our GSoC students. I'm not familiar with the workings of these algorithms. While I can spin out code and manage releases, I'm not an expert on all the algorithms of implementations.

I believe that the code ignores the reverse cost if that helps.
