[pgrouting-dev] Ask about road table in routing.

I’m using pgrouting 8.3 version. and i found an website that show me how to routing using pgrouting and postgis.
that a good information for me to do my work.
but, when i follow the SQL file script, and insert data to Road table. I don’t clearly know about each fields in Road table.
can you show me the definition of each field and the meaning of it.
for example :

Fields ---- meaning
id – get the id of each point.
source – …smth…
target – …
cost – …
reverse_cost — …

sens ----- …
x1 ----- …
y1------ …
x2 ------…
y2 ------ …
edge_id ----- …
the_geom ------…


Mr. Vietbv

Do your best , the rest will come*.*

See here: http://www.pgrouting.org/docs/1.x/astar.html

2011/6/3 viet bui <buiviet9488@gmail.com>

I’m using pgrouting 8.3 version. and i found an website that show me how to routing using pgrouting and postgis.
that a good information for me to do my work.
but, when i follow the SQL file script, and insert data to Road table. I don’t clearly know about each fields in Road table.
can you show me the definition of each field and the meaning of it.
for example :

Fields ---- meaning
id – get the id of each point.
source – …smth…
target – …
cost – …
reverse_cost — …

sens ----- …
x1 ----- …
y1------ …
x2 ------…
y2 ------ …
edge_id ----- …
the_geom ------…


Mr. Vietbv

Do your best , the rest will come*.*

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