[pgrouting-dev] Can we use the "build" directory to build?

Hi Steve,

First of all, the build on Ubuntu 12.10 worked without any issues … except that I had to compile CMake 2.8.10

As you’re cleaning up the CMake installation I thought it would be nice I could easily cleanup the files generated by CMake.
There is “make clean”, which didn’t help and “cmake clean” doesn’t exist. But it’s actually very easy to do this with “out-of-source build”:

mkdir mybuild && cd mybuild
cmake …/.

And everything is in the “mybuild” directory and can be cleaned up with “rm -Rf mybuild”.

There are two small things I don’t like:

  1. Couldn’t this somehow be part of the cmake configuration, so it uses a build directory even cmake is run in project root (“cmake …/.” looks a bit weird, too) … will try to find if this is possible.
  2. I think “build” would be the best name for such a directory name, but it’s already used with your notes how to build on Windows. Could we change your current build directory to some other name, for example “dists/windows” … or any better name. I just didn’t have a good idea.
    Anyway, even if (1) isn’t possible I would like to change the documentation to “out-of-source build” style.


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

There are two small things I don’t like:

  1. Couldn’t this somehow be part of the cmake configuration, so it uses a build directory even cmake is run in project root (“cmake …/.” looks a bit weird, too) … will try to find if this is possible.

Well, already found it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11143062/getting-cmake-to-build-out-of-source-without-wrapping-scripts

cmake -H. -Bbuild .


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de