[pgrouting-dev] Documentation for 1.x

Quick thing on the documentation for 1.x-- an extra comma in the Dijkstra (shortest_path) docs. after “AS cost”

SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4,
             target::int4, length::double precision AS cost,
        FROM dourol',3, 7, false, false);

SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4,
             target::int4, length::double precision AS cost
        FROM dourol',3, 7, false, false);

Quick answer: “yes”, it’s one comma too much. :wink:



On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 4:34 AM, Stephen Mather <mather.stephen@gmail.com> wrote:

Quick thing on the documentation for 1.x-- an extra comma in the Dijkstra (shortest_path) docs. after “AS cost”

SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4,
             target::int4, length::double precision AS cost,
        FROM dourol',3, 7, false, false);

SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4,
             target::int4, length::double precision AS cost
        FROM dourol',3, 7, false, false);

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