[pgrouting-dev] Documentation in gh-pages branch

There is now a place for the pgRouting documentation.
It is hosted with Github Pages, so you need to blame Github when the website is down :wink:

A few tweaks were necessary and index.html in the documentation root must be edited manually for now. (It just uses the theme of the documentation, but the page is not generated.)

The documentation is not complete yet, but this will become the final URL:

The Readme of the gh-pages branch describes how to update the documentation:


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

On 5/14/2013 5:39 AM, Daniel Kastl wrote:

There is now a place for the pgRouting documentation.
It is hosted with Github Pages, so you need to blame Github when the
website is down :wink:

A few tweaks were necessary and index.html in the documentation root
must be edited manually for now. (It just uses the theme of the
documentation, but the page is not generated.)

The documentation is not complete yet, but this will become the final URL:

The Readme of the gh-pages branch describes how to update the documentation:


This is really a nice feature. Thank you for figuring out how to make this work for us.
