[pgrouting-dev] [GCI-private] Call for mentors for the upcoming Google Code-In contest, for kids aged 13-17

Hello developers:

We are looking for mentors for the GCI-OSGeo program.
Our goal on this year is to have the students make videos of the pgRouting workshop.
this is the workshop for 2017 (I need to update for current OSGeoLive data, that will happen soon)


The videos are to be short no more than 5 minutes. And one per exercise in the workshop
For example: for this exercise

The student has to have the data already (maybe on a previous exercise that was done), type the query, and get the result.
Add some music to the video. put the link to the exercise on the comment.
When they finish the task, they deliver the link in the GCI evaluation site, we make comments and ask for an improvement if needed, and when we are happy with the video we approve the task.
A task should be evaluated within 3 days of the students delivery.

These are examples of videos made by students the previous year for the OSGeoLive project:


I encourage ex-GSoC students to participate as mentors on the GCI program.

That will give you the experience of being on the other side.
I would like to have at least 5 mentors (I already filled the form asking to be a mentor, so 4 more mentors) that way not all the work resides on one mentor.

The same task can be done by many students.
Last year I caught a cheating student that copied the video of another student. So I am thinking that we can ask them that the database name be their initials and should be visible on the video.
We must be aware of checking that information when we check the video.

As soon as I finish updating the workshop, I will start generating the tasks.


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Vicky Vergara
Operations Research

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