[pgrouting-dev] Greetings!!

Also use the pgRouting developers list so that all the community can be kept informed


On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 8:54 AM, Rohith Reddy <rohithreddy2219@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Sourabh,

Great to hear about your interest in pgRouting. You are most welcome to share and discuss your idea with us. It would be nice if you can document your work on “Fastest-cum-shortest route between two nodes” in a google doc and share it with us. This way we all can understand your idea and also give a feedback collectively.

Rohith Reddy.

On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 8:09 PM, Sourabh Garg <sourabh.gargcd.mat14@iitbhu.ac.in> wrote:

Hello Sir,I am a fourth year integrated dual degree(BTech+MTech) student from IIT(BHU) pursuing Mathematics and Computing. I am quite interested in working with the pgRouting organization(OSGeo).

Earlier I had been doing my Btech project on graph theory titled “Graph theoretical modeling of Institution campus”. Under one subtopic of this project, I worked on “Fastest-cum-shortest route between two nodes” which involves relative travel time at road segments as well as turns(junctions). I find it as a more generalized version of one of last year’s GSoC project “Turn Restricted Shortest path algorithm” mentored by you.

I would like to share my idea over it and your guidance would be very helpful for me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you

Sourabh Garg

Senior Undergraduate

Mathematics and Computing

Indian Institute of Technology(BHU) Varanasi

LinkedIn: Sourabh Garg
Mobile: +91-8764021751

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