[pgrouting-dev] GSoC Friday status reports due

Hi guys,

Your first week of GSoC is coming to a close. You need to get your status reports posted to the appropriate lists and to your github wiki.

Reports are simple and straight forward:

1. what was your plan?
2. what did you accomplish?
3. What if any issues you had? anything blocking progress?
4. What is next weeks plan?

A couple of sentences or more as needed for each.

This is required by OSGeo. I will try to give you weekly reminders but one of the keys to success when working in a distributed development community is continual communications with the community so be chatty :slight_smile: on the dev list.


On 5/23/2014 12:21 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

Hi guys,

Your first week of GSoC is coming to a close. You need to get your
status reports posted to the appropriate lists and to your github wiki.

Edit your wiki report page and post a link to it to
     pgrouting-dev@lists.osgeo.org and


Reports are simple and straight forward:

1. what was your plan?
2. what did you accomplish?
3. What if any issues you had? anything blocking progress?
4. What is next weeks plan?

A couple of sentences or more as needed for each.

This is required by OSGeo. I will try to give you weekly reminders but
one of the keys to success when working in a distributed development
community is continual communications with the community so be chatty :slight_smile:
on the dev list.

pgrouting-dev mailing list