[pgrouting-dev] [GSoC] Report - Flow algorithms for pgRouting - Week 2

Hi all,

I am working on the implementation of maximum flow algorithms and their applications for pgRouting during the GSoC 2016. This is my second report.

  1. What did you get done this week?

I implemented an additional wrapper using Boost and wrote some tests. I cleaned up/refactored some of the code, in particular the common library between all the implementations(the one that handles creating the graph and returning the results).

  1. What do you plan on doing next week?

As written in my application, next week I won’t be able to work as much due to finals at my university. However, I think I can manage to add the last implementation from Boost.

  1. Are you blocked on anything?

No, but I need to learn how to write the documentation more efficiently.

You can check the branch I’m working on here:


Best regards,

Andrea Nardelli