[pgrouting-dev] [GSoC] Report - Flow algorithms for pgRouting - Week 3

Hi all,

I am working on the implementation of maximum flow algorithms and their applications for pgRouting during the GSoC 2016. This is my third report.

  1. What did you get done this week?

As said in my last report, I did not have time to work as much due to my finals. I managed to add the code for the last maximum flow implementation but I still have to fix some details in the PostgreSQL functions.

  1. What do you plan on doing next week?

Next week will be the last one before the mid term assessments. I plan to fix what I said above, finish the documentation and discuss with my mentors about any improvement to the code, tests, etc…

  1. Are you blocked on anything?


You can check the branch I’m working on here:


Best regards,

Andrea Nardelli