[pgrouting-dev] Issue regarding Segmentation Fault: Signal 11

Hi all,

I am presently working under GSoC’18, for the project titled “Implementing Bellman-ford and Parallel Dijkstra for pgrouting”. I have successfully created a function named pgr_bellman_ford which works for one source to one target parameters inputs[4]. Later, I have transformed the pgr_bellman_ford function for all variants, by understanding from the existing pgr_dijkstra function in PR[1], but it is resulting in some errors[3], which I am not able to figure out. Please review my PR’ s commit[2]. On debugging from Postgres logs trace in src files(.c and .cpp files), I found that it is giving segmentation fault: signal 11.(see Attached postgres_log_trace.jpg). Please help me with this issue.

[1]. https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/pull/1039
[2]. https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/pull/1039/commits/ab0f29a2533a985ea842e03109e28fc670eebb5e
[3]. https://files.gitter.im/codeSG/uxCI/image.png
[4]. https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/pull/1039/commits/3e599d45b8b07d79ad1886faf08da17f5af8cae4


Sourabh Garg
