[pgrouting-dev] K-Shortest

Dear all,

I just registered in consequence of this thread at the users list:


I’d be glad to contribute to the development, especially since at this moment I need to use pgRounting with PostGIS 2.0.

Consulting the development plan, I see that K-Shortest is in there. I’m working on a project where this will likely be developed over pgRouting. Is this more or less prioritary at the moment than the milestones?

Btw, it’d be nice to have these lists integrated with the OSGeo Nabble:




On 4/10/2013 9:21 AM, Luís de Sousa wrote:

Dear all,

I just registered in consequence of this thread at the users list:


I'd be glad to contribute to the development, especially since at this
moment I need to use pgRounting with PostGIS 2.0.

Consulting the development plan, I see that K-Shortest is in there. I'm
working on a project where this will likely be developed over pgRouting.
Is this more or less prioritary at the moment than the milestones?


This would be fine for you to take on. Create a ticket for this task, and assign it to yourself. Fork the repository and integrate it into the sew-devel-2_0 branch and when you are ready you can submit a pull request and I should be able to pull it in and merge it with no problem.

If you have questions please ask on or off list is fine. I have started a Dev 2.0 standards and guidelines page in the wiki. It is not very complete, I hope to have time to add to this over the weekend. Its also linked off this page which is a good starting point:



Is what I stated about the correct way to do the git stuff?

Btw, it'd be nice to have these lists integrated with the OSGeo Nabble:


Daniel, I also leave the above to you to deal with when you have a chance.



pgrouting-dev mailing list

Btw, it'd be nice to have these lists integrated with the OSGeo Nabble:


Daniel, I also leave the above to you to deal with when you have a chance.

Nabble is something I'm not really getting familiar with. Long time ago I
added the mailing lists (dev/users) but either Nabble was changing (old ->
new) or they required some interaction from my side to keep the mailing
lists active, which was annoying. Then suddenly there were no more
reminders. Maybe it was when OSGeo started a group account on Nabble.

Well, it seems that both lists are already there:


But they were not listed on the home page, so I sent an email to the Nabble
group admin and asked to add pgRouting to the project list.

If there is still something missing to be able to use Nabble, please let me
know, because I don't know well about it.


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de