[pgrouting-dev] My questions again:-)


I try to ask my questions again:-)

when I try to import Bayern.osm or Germany.osm with osm2pgrouting, the script stops when Trying to load the data and trying to parse the data. Is that a common error?
Barcelona.osm from the workshop works with no problems. Did I forgot anything?

I played a little bit around with OSGEO live tools.
I Understand that mapconfig.xml defines the relevant tags and that you have to add costs to these tags.
I did not understand if for example a way has a tag bridge=yes and a tag highway=motorway this way is saved two times in the db because every way has only one class_id.
how is it handled if there are two relevant tags for one way?

Best regards,


Hi Markus,

osm2pgrouting loads a lot of data into memory. The reason for the termination of the script could be, that your system runs out of memory. You should try to observe your system’s memory usage while the script is running and e.g. use Bremen.osm instead of Bayern.osm in a first step.

Best regards


On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Hens,Markus M. <m.hens@student.fontys.nl> wrote:


I try to ask my questions again:-)

when I try to import Bayern.osm or Germany.osm with osm2pgrouting, the script stops when Trying to load the data and trying to parse the data. Is that a common error?
Barcelona.osm from the workshop works with no problems. Did I forgot anything?

I played a little bit around with OSGEO live tools.
I Understand that mapconfig.xml defines the relevant tags and that you have to add costs to these tags.
I did not understand if for example a way has a tag bridge=yes and a tag highway=motorway this way is saved two times in the db because every way has only one class_id.
how is it handled if there are two relevant tags for one way?

Best regards,

pgrouting-dev mailing list

2011/2/18 Hens,Markus M. <m.hens@student.fontys.nl>


I try to ask my questions again:-)

when I try to import Bayern.osm or Germany.osm with osm2pgrouting, the script stops when Trying to load the data and trying to parse the data. Is that a common error?
Barcelona.osm from the workshop works with no problems. Did I forgot anything?

Barcelona.osm is pretty small. It can take quite some time depending on your hardware. And it can happen that you run out of memory when your data is too big. You can also try osm2po, which can handle more data, but wasn’t used in the workshop because it’s not open source software.

I played a little bit around with OSGEO live tools.
I Understand that mapconfig.xml defines the relevant tags and that you have to add costs to these tags.
I did not understand if for example a way has a tag bridge=yes and a tag highway=motorway this way is saved two times in the db because every way has only one class_id.
how is it handled if there are two relevant tags for one way?

I don’t know. Probably your network makes no sense then, if you define bridge as a road class and not as an attribute.
But you could try what will happen and report the result.


Best regards,

pgrouting-dev mailing list

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