[pgrouting-dev] Optimal Meeting Point (OMP)

Dear all,

I will soon start developing OMP; the requirements are generic enough, thus I see it as a good opportunity to add it to pgRouting. I have forked the repository and am now going through the code to understand the framework.

For starters I would have 2 questions:

1 - Which branch should I commit to? ‘develop’, or other? or should I create a new branch?

2 - Which of the existing algorithms would be the best template to start from?

I am new to development for Postgres/PostGIS, any other advice is welcome.

Thank you,


P.S.: OMP was previously discussed in the users list:

Hi Luís,

That’s great!
I think OMP would a very nice and popular contribution.


1 - Which branch should I commit to? ‘develop’, or other? or should I create a new branch?

It’s best to make a branch based on “develop”, and then also submit pull requests to “develop” branch.

2 - Which of the existing algorithms would be the best template to start from?

There are a few shortest path algorithms, which make use of Boost. So they might not be the best choice.

There is some information in the project Wiki on Github:


If you find something not described well enough or wrong, feel free to ask anytime. You can also edit the Wiki as you like, if you want to add useful information or fix errors.

Maybe the TSP (src/tsp) or KSP (src/ksp) algorithm are good to look at.


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
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