[pgrouting-dev] Option to only test one section

Hi all,

I've had a couple of requests to be able to only test one algorithm when someone if make changes to only one area.

RUNNING: test-runner.pl -h
Usage: test-runner.pl -pgver vpg -pgisver vpgis -psql /path/to/psql
        -pgver vpg - postgresql version
        -pgport port - postgresql port to use (default: 5432)
        -pgisver vpgis - postgis version
        -pgrver vpgr - pgrouting version
        -psql /path/to/psql - optional path to psql
        -v - verbose messages for debuging(enter twice for more)
        -clean - dropdb pgr_test__db__test
        -ignorenotice - ignore NOTICE statements when reporting failures
        -alg 'dir' - directory to select which algorithm subdirs to test
        -h - help


tools/test-runner.pl -alg tsp
tools/test-runner.pl -alg common

Will only run the 'tsp' or 'common' tests. The dir is the directory under 'src/' that you want to limit your test to. This tends to be much faster than running all the tests.

Just pushed this change to github in the develop branch.


On 23/08/13 00:41, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

Thank you Steve an good aid to ensure that changes can be tested.


Hi all,

I've had a couple of requests to be able to only test one algorithm when someone if make changes to only one area.

RUNNING: test-runner.pl -h
Usage: test-runner.pl -pgver vpg -pgisver vpgis -psql /path/to/psql
       -pgver vpg - postgresql version
       -pgport port - postgresql port to use (default: 5432)
       -pgisver vpgis - postgis version
       -pgrver vpgr - pgrouting version
       -psql /path/to/psql - optional path to psql
       -v - verbose messages for debuging(enter twice for more)
       -clean - dropdb pgr_test__db__test
       -ignorenotice - ignore NOTICE statements when reporting failures
       -alg 'dir' - directory to select which algorithm subdirs to test
       -h - help


tools/test-runner.pl -alg tsp
tools/test-runner.pl -alg common

Will only run the 'tsp' or 'common' tests. The dir is the directory under 'src/' that you want to limit your test to. This tends to be much faster than running all the tests.

Just pushed this change to github in the develop branch.

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