[pgrouting-dev] [OSGeo-Discuss] New to OSGeo

Hi Pulkit,

First it would be a good idea to get on the pgrouting-dev list:

pgrouting-dev mailing list

Then you can look at:

and the other links here:
http://pgrouting.org/ -- look at the user docs and the new workshop

There are a bunch of people on the list that can help


On 1/30/2014 3:54 AM, Pulkit Agarwal wrote:

Hi Steve,

I went through the all the three Readme and things are no quite clear to
me. What I think we have to install
  * postgresql-server-dev-9.2
  * libpq-dev
  * libpqxx3-dev
  * libcurl4-gnutls-dev
  * libjson0-dev.
I followed the link to install.

I mean just by installing the above mentioned packages will we be able
to set up the project.
As I am new to postgresql and pgrouter please guide me with all the
basics of installing the project on my laptop.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Stephen Woodbridge
<woodbri@swoodbridge.com <mailto:woodbri@swoodbridge.com>> wrote:

    Hi Pulkit,

    You might also be interested in looking at


    This is a tool the extracts pgRouting data into a format that can be
    loaded into Project-OSRM (the high performance routing engine for OSM)

    And a postgresql extension that allows you to access OSRM from
    inside the database.

    I have combine these to to allow you to select a number of points on
    a map and then compute a distance matrix using the osrm-tools and
    optimizing the order of the points use pgRouting TSP function. then
    passing the results back to the web application to display them.

    The osrm-tools can also be used to compute distance matrices needed
    for the VRP solution.

    I think picking another VRP problem or enhancing the current one to
    add more functionality might be a good project.

    Another interesting project might be to build an asymmetric TSP
    solver. Our current solver uses simulated annealing but it assumes a
    symmetric matrix.

    Daniel might have some additional ideas about additional VRP
    solutions that we might need.

    If you have time, jump in and start working on a small project that
    might interest you or we can point out a bug that might need fixing.
    In the past students that jumped in early and started working
    learned a lot of the basics so when they got selected for GSoC, they
    had more time to focus on doing something fun stuff rather than
    learning the basics of how to deal with coding in the postgresql
    server environment.


    On 1/28/2014 3:13 PM, Pulkit Agarwal wrote:

        Hi Steve,
        I went through the project ideas and what i have come up with is the
        projects aim at developing routing software with large data
        which forces
        it to go toward AI algorithms in collaboration with osm. Let me
        what exactly i did i the project i mentioned in my first mail.
        It was a
        cross platform offline routing software specific to our college
        hence named campus mapping software) which used osm and the
        functionalities were implemented over it.So I understand most of the
        basics of doing these functionalities. Also Tabu search and other
        heuristic based based algorithms are covered in our Artificial
        Intelligence course, so i am familiarized with these also.

        Overall I think if the projects will be on similar areas i will
        do well
        and live upto the project expectation .Looking forward to work
        with this


        On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 12:59 AM, Stephen Woodbridge
        <woodbri@swoodbridge.com <mailto:woodbri@swoodbridge.com>
        <mailto:woodbri@swoodbridge.com>>> wrote:

             On 1/28/2014 2:09 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

                 On 01/28/2014 11:04 AM, Pulkit Agarwal wrote:

                     I'm new to OSGeo and would like to contribute.
                     I read the various prerequisites in terms of
        knowledge of
                     platforms of the organization. And i have basic idea of
                     almost all the
                     platforms mentioned. In-fact i worked on an
        academic project
                     involving Open
                     street maps.At the moment, I don't have a
        particular area in
                     mind but I'm
                     excited to work in various interesting topics. So
        how should
                     I start?

                     I'm also looking up to GSOC 2014 and perhaps do a
                     for OSGeo. Where
                     should I get the latest news regarding it like the
        list of
                     mentors etc.?

                     Pulkit Agarwal


                 We haven't started a 2014 GSOC page yet on the
        wiki.osgeo.org <http://wiki.osgeo.org>
                 <http://wiki.osgeo.org> but there
                 is a mailing list:


             Hi Pulkit,

             You can also check in with any of the projects that
        interest you and
             I think you will find that most can give you some idea of
             GSoC Ideas for their projects.

             For example pgRouting has:


             Our experience through the years that students the pick
             that they are interested in or passionate about tend to
        learn more
             and have more fun working on them and are the most successful.

             You are not constrained to pick an existing idea. If you
        have some
             ideas bounce them off the project lists and work with them
        to fine
             tune your ideas or come up with other ideas.

             There is nothing better than working on a project that
        excites you.

             Best Regards,
             Discuss mailing list
        Discuss@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Discuss@lists.osgeo.org>
        <mailto:Discuss@lists.osgeo.__org <mailto:Discuss@lists.osgeo.org>>