[pgrouting-dev] [pgr_2.0] What is add_vertices_geometry(geom_table) use for?

Hi all,

I am review the existing pgRouting SQL functions and in routing_core_wrappers.sql we have a function:


I don't see it referenced anywhere so I assume this is some utility function that somebody added for some purpose.

Any objections to removing this?

My goal here is the following:

1. review and decruft existing SQL
2. relocate functions into the folders that they belong to
3. refactor the code and/or standardize function calling arguments
4. add pgr_ prefixes to all the pgRouting functions
5. add comments and documentation to the SQL


On 3/21/2013 3:08 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

Hi all,

I am review the existing pgRouting SQL functions and in
routing_core_wrappers.sql we have a function:


Add to this:


I don't see it referenced anywhere so I assume this is some utility
function that somebody added for some purpose.

Any objections to removing this?

My goal here is the following:

1. review and decruft existing SQL
2. relocate functions into the folders that they belong to
3. refactor the code and/or standardize function calling arguments
4. add pgr_ prefixes to all the pgRouting functions
5. add comments and documentation to the SQL

pgrouting-dev mailing list

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 4:49 AM, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com> wrote:

On 3/21/2013 3:08 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

Hi all,

I am review the existing pgRouting SQL functions and in
routing_core_wrappers.sql we have a function:


Add to this:


I would say: remove everything that is a) not documented and b) not used.
It’s good to post it hear or make a list of removed functions in the Wiki,so someone, who uses this, can say “stop” or we can reference the list of removals in the release notes.

It could be that these functions came from pgDijkstra already, if they were not added later.
Anyway, let’s remove unused stuff that makes maintenance harder.


I don’t see it referenced anywhere so I assume this is some utility
function that somebody added for some purpose.

Any objections to removing this?

My goal here is the following:

  1. review and decruft existing SQL
  2. relocate functions into the folders that they belong to
  3. refactor the code and/or standardize function calling arguments
  4. add pgr_ prefixes to all the pgRouting functions
  5. add comments and documentation to the SQL


pgrouting-dev mailing list

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