[pgrouting-dev] pgRouting PSC

Hello Developers:

As a reminder the road map:


About PSC in here:

https://pgrouting.org/development.html## Project Steering Committee

Due to members inactivity the project steering committee is currently not operating.

For Project Steering Committee guideline see RFC 01.

So pgRouting will remain an OSGeo Community project if we don’t have a acting PSC.
For me a PSC = Propose, Suggest and Comment
For OSGeo a PSC = Project Steering Committee

But as long as we don’t have an active PSC we will never be able to apply to be an OSGeo project. (Currently we are OSGeo Community project)

In my incursion for several projects, there is PSC and there is a committer category where

  • PSC take decisions & can merge & pushes to all main repositories
  • committers can merge & push to all or some main repositories

Remember we have 5 main repositories on pgRouting:

and a lot of unused ones, the full list is:

Since 2013 when I started to standardize the internal C/C++ code of our main product “pgRouting”, I was basically taking the decisions due to the fact of my experience & knowledge of C++. But, I tried, to the best of my abilities:

  • to make all developers to help make a decision, (like about the road map)

  • current “committers” to review my PR

  • not to push directly into the main repository (special cases are when fixing issues due to several CI we have)

But I feel is time to start building the PSC so that we can eventually start our application to be an OSGeo Project.

My wish list of traits of PSC members:

  • A continued Propose, Suggest or Comment kind of activity.
    [end of wish list]
    (where the propose comes is supported by “doing”)

For me, there are several people that fall into this category.
Daniel, Steve, Regina, Cayetano, Rohith and me.

Daniel is very good in administration, from simple things like adding the FOSS4G logo to the website, he made the cool stickers, he keeps tweeter announcements, has done presentations of pgRouting and workshops. Has being a mentor on GSoC & GCI.

Steve is very attentive when people need help, specially on stack exchange, or on issues.He listens to me when I get stuck or frustrated. Has done presentations of pgRouting and workshops. Has being a mentor on GSoC.

Cayetano has gone deeper on pgRoutingLayer, and osm2pgrouting, has done presentations of pgRouting. Has being a mentor on GSoC.

Rohith, knows the “guts” of pgRouting, has done presentations of pgROuting and written papers. Has being a mentor on GSoC & GCI.

Regina, worries about setting up the proper testing frameworks, using the latest postgresql, or the one that is being developed. Has done presentations of pgRouting and workshops. Has written the pgRouting book.

I know our products pgRoutingLayer, osm2pgrouting, Workshop and pgRouting. Have done presentations of pgRouting and workshops. Have being a mentor on GSoC & GCI.

So basically this PSC that I am thinking of is “Let me do what I do best for the project” kinda PSC with the twist of an official PSC.

As for committers we have many, many come from GSoC work, some were already there (before 2013), some have done work recently, some has done nothing for a long time.

More active communication via the public channels: gitter, or IRC (if requiered by incubation) and developers mailing list, issues.

As we move forward to be an OSGeo project one of the first tasks I want to have everyone to participate is on our pgRouting “branding”.
Daniel is organizing this and $upporting this through Mark Chataigner:



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