[pgrouting-dev] Problems in Importing .osm to Database

Hello all,

I created the database “routing” from the “template_routing”, and downloaded the .osm file of London. But I got a problem when I was trying yo import this .osm file to the database.

“osm2pgrouting -file “London.osm” -conf “/usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml” -dbname routing -user postgres -clean”
error message:
“connection failed”

Any ideas?

Thanks a advance.


From the text of the error message, it appears your having a problem

connecting to your database, its not a pgroute package error but rather a
postgres error.

What happens if you try

psql -d routing -U postgres

This should connect directly to your database without using any of the
routing software.

Jinfu Leng wrote:

Hello all,

I created the database "routing" from the "template_routing", and
downloaded the .osm file of London. But I got a problem when I was trying
yo import this .osm file to the database.

"osm2pgrouting -file "London.osm" -conf
"/usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml" -dbname routing -user postgres
error message:
"connection failed"

Any ideas?

Thanks a advance.
pgrouting-dev mailing list


Hi Jinfu,

Look at the “Note” in the workshop: http://workshop.pgrouting.org/chapters/osm2pgrouting.html#run-osm2pgrouting
When you don’t need to care about server security you can set the settings in pg_hba.conf to trust.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Dave Potts <dave.potts@pinan.co.uk> wrote:


From the text of the error message, it appears your having a problem
connecting to your database, its not a pgroute package error but rather a
postgres error.

What happens if you try

psql -d routing -U postgres

This should connect directly to your database without using any of the
routing software.

Jinfu Leng wrote:

Hello all,

I created the database “routing” from the “template_routing”, and
downloaded the .osm file of London. But I got a problem when I was trying
yo import this .osm file to the database.

“osm2pgrouting -file “London.osm” -conf
“/usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml” -dbname routing -user postgres
error message:
“connection failed”

Any ideas?

Thanks a advance.

pgrouting-dev mailing list

pgrouting-dev mailing list

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

Hey Daniel, Dave,

Thanks. The problem is solved by settings the pg_hba.conf to trust.

But I got some error messages like:
“We DON’T need a way of type and class
We need a way of type highway and class steps
We need a way of type highway and class footway
We need a way of type highway and class steps
We need a way of type highway and class footway”

Do these errors matter? Or I can ignore them and go to the next step?

Thanks again,

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de> wrote:

Hi Jinfu,

Look at the “Note” in the workshop: http://workshop.pgrouting.org/chapters/osm2pgrouting.html#run-osm2pgrouting
When you don’t need to care about server security you can set the settings in pg_hba.conf to trust.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Dave Potts <dave.potts@pinan.co.uk> wrote:


From the text of the error message, it appears your having a problem
connecting to your database, its not a pgroute package error but rather a
postgres error.

What happens if you try

psql -d routing -U postgres

This should connect directly to your database without using any of the
routing software.

Jinfu Leng wrote:

Hello all,

I created the database “routing” from the “template_routing”, and
downloaded the .osm file of London. But I got a problem when I was trying
yo import this .osm file to the database.

“osm2pgrouting -file “London.osm” -conf
“/usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml” -dbname routing -user postgres
error message:
“connection failed”

Any ideas?

Thanks a advance.

pgrouting-dev mailing list

pgrouting-dev mailing list

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

pgrouting-dev mailing list

Hi Jinfu,

As far as I remember this is only a log message. I think it would be better to reduce the number of messages.
At the end it should tell you the number of imported road segments.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:57 PM, Jinfu Leng <logicnut@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Daniel, Dave,

Thanks. The problem is solved by settings the pg_hba.conf to trust.

But I got some error messages like:
“We DON’T need a way of type and class
We need a way of type highway and class steps
We need a way of type highway and class footway
We need a way of type highway and class steps
We need a way of type highway and class footway”

Do these errors matter? Or I can ignore them and go to the next step?

Thanks again,

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de> wrote:

Hi Jinfu,

Look at the “Note” in the workshop: http://workshop.pgrouting.org/chapters/osm2pgrouting.html#run-osm2pgrouting
When you don’t need to care about server security you can set the settings in pg_hba.conf to trust.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Dave Potts <dave.potts@pinan.co.uk> wrote:


From the text of the error message, it appears your having a problem
connecting to your database, its not a pgroute package error but rather a
postgres error.

What happens if you try

psql -d routing -U postgres

This should connect directly to your database without using any of the
routing software.

Jinfu Leng wrote:

Hello all,

I created the database “routing” from the “template_routing”, and
downloaded the .osm file of London. But I got a problem when I was trying
yo import this .osm file to the database.

“osm2pgrouting -file “London.osm” -conf
“/usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml” -dbname routing -user postgres
error message:
“connection failed”

Any ideas?

Thanks a advance.

pgrouting-dev mailing list

pgrouting-dev mailing list

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

pgrouting-dev mailing list

pgrouting-dev mailing list

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

Hey Daniel,

I tried the existing algorithm based on the road data imported from .osm file. and it worked.

Right now I have one question:
How to match the “source” and “target” in table “way” with the node in table “nodes”?


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:26 AM, Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de> wrote:

Hi Jinfu,

As far as I remember this is only a log message. I think it would be better to reduce the number of messages.
At the end it should tell you the number of imported road segments.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:57 PM, Jinfu Leng <logicnut@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Daniel, Dave,

Thanks. The problem is solved by settings the pg_hba.conf to trust.

But I got some error messages like:
“We DON’T need a way of type and class
We need a way of type highway and class steps
We need a way of type highway and class footway
We need a way of type highway and class steps
We need a way of type highway and class footway”

Do these errors matter? Or I can ignore them and go to the next step?

Thanks again,

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de> wrote:

Hi Jinfu,

Look at the “Note” in the workshop: http://workshop.pgrouting.org/chapters/osm2pgrouting.html#run-osm2pgrouting
When you don’t need to care about server security you can set the settings in pg_hba.conf to trust.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Dave Potts <dave.potts@pinan.co.uk> wrote:


From the text of the error message, it appears your having a problem
connecting to your database, its not a pgroute package error but rather a
postgres error.

What happens if you try

psql -d routing -U postgres

This should connect directly to your database without using any of the
routing software.

Jinfu Leng wrote:

Hello all,

I created the database “routing” from the “template_routing”, and
downloaded the .osm file of London. But I got a problem when I was trying
yo import this .osm file to the database.

“osm2pgrouting -file “London.osm” -conf
“/usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml” -dbname routing -user postgres
error message:
“connection failed”

Any ideas?

Thanks a advance.

pgrouting-dev mailing list

pgrouting-dev mailing list

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

pgrouting-dev mailing list

pgrouting-dev mailing list

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

pgrouting-dev mailing list