[pgrouting-dev] Proposing a wrapper: Point to Point Dijkstra Routing


I would like to contribute to pgrouting-contrib repo by committing a pgsql script which basically intends point to point routing using Dijkstra as the back-end algorithm.

This script has been tested on the following versions:

  1. PostgreSQL - version 9.1

  2. PostGIS - version 1.5

  3. Pgrouting - version 1.05

Can I please know the procedure to go for the same?

Thanks and Regards,

Smita Kumari Dolly

Senior Research Engineer
Center for Study of Science, Technology & Policy
Old CAIR Building, Raj Bhavan Circle
Bangalore 560 001

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 3:17 PM, smita dolly <smit402@gmail.com> wrote:


I would like to contribute to pgrouting-contrib repo by committing a pgsql
script which basically intends point to point routing using Dijkstra as the
back-end algorithm.

This script has been tested on the following versions:

1. PostgreSQL - version 9.1

2. PostGIS - version 1.5

3. Pgrouting - version 1.05

Can I please know the procedure to go for the same?

Thanks and Regards,

Thank you very much for your offer!

The "pgrouting-contrib" repository didn't work well unfortunately (or we
didn't do it right), so we are trying a different approach now as described
on this Wiki page:

So you publish your code as Github "Gist" and add a link (and short
description) to the Wiki page. Let me know if you're not able to edit the

It would be great, if your point to point routing would also be available
for pgRouting 2.0. Are you planning to work on this?


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