[pgrouting-dev] Reg: Missing tables using osm2pgrouting (Issue - #278)

Hi all,

I have been trying to understand the issue[1] listed in github and trying to see what might be the issue. As Steve mentioned the data source link(osm file), I have downloaded it and ran osm2pgrouting according to the pgrouting workshop[2]. But I see there is no ways table in the database created. I have added a screenshot of it. There are usually 14 tables(may be more) after importing the data. But here we have 11 rows and the main table ways is missing.

I thought this might be wrong data source or something, and I have tried it with australia-oceania-latest .osm.bz2 which downloaded from [3] and have the same issue. I guess the osm pattern might be changed so that osm2pgrouting needs to updated? I can see thats the only reason?

Can someone check on their systems and let me know if I have a wrong sense on it.

[1] - https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/278
[2] - http://workshop.pgrouting.org/chapters/osm2pgrouting.html
[3]- download.geofabrik.de


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