[pgrouting-dev] Repository branches cleanup

Hi Steve,

With the first Windows binaries built by Regina and significant progress in sew-devel-2_0 branch, I thought we could cleanup the pgRouting Git repository a bit, so that users, who want to help testing, have it easier to find what they need.

What about these 4 branches?

  • 1.x-stable
  • 1.x-dev
  • 2.0.x-stable
  • 2.0.x-dev

The names should be self-explaining.
I don’t know yet what to do with “master”.

At the moment it would probably mean:

  • The latest pgRouting release version would become “1.x-stable”
  • Current “master” branch would be “1.x-dev”
  • Current “sew-devel-2_0” branch would be “2.0.x-dev”

New features could be developed in different branches starting with “feature-” for example.
Google Summer of Code branches would start with “gsoc-” as it is the case already.
Just to make it easier to read the list of branches.

What do you think?


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
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