[pgrouting-dev] [Routing] [MoNav] Version 0.2 Released

In case any of you are not on this list and missed this.
This is an implementation of the contraction hierarchies routing algorithm that is ultra fast.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Routing] [MoNav] Version 0.2 Released
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 22:49:14 +0200
From: VeaaC FDIRCT <veaac.fdirct@gmail.com>
Reply-To: routing@openstreetmap.org
To: routing@openstreetmap.org

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to announce the release of the second beta version of MoNav [1][2].

The highlights of this release are:
  - Driving Instructions [3][4]
  - Support for localized naming schemes. For example name:zh=朝阳公园南 路 vs
name:en=Chaoyang Park South Road vs name:zh_pinyin=Cháoyánggōngyuán
  - Routing daemon working as a background route server for other
applications. The SVN version of Marble [5] already supports MoNav as
a backend
  - Reduced RAM consumption during preprocessing. Especially huge
graphs benefit from this
  - New icon set
  - Support for extracts from the OpenStreetMap export tab
  - And many more

Of course MoNav still delivers blazingly fast routing, even for huge
graphs on mobile devices.

  Downloads available:
    - Client binaries for Windows32, Windows Mobile 5.0 and 6.5
    - Preprocessor binaries for Windows32
    - Map packages for Germany, France, UK, Europe and
Baden-Württemberg. Bicycle and Motorcar profiles are available
    - MapnikRenderer packages for Germany, France, UK and Baden-Württemberg

Plans for the next release include:
  - Turning restrictions and penalties
  - Support for the new PBF format
  - Even less memory consumption during preprocessing

I am currently looking for contributors who can help with:
  - Vector rendering plugins
  - GUI improvements
  - Address Lookup ( Karlsruhe Schema, novel approaches ... )
  - Binary package maintenance for various systems / distributions
  - Usability
  - New features
  - Of course other contributions are always welcome
If you believe you can contribute and are interested in joining the
development team please let me know.

Please note that this project is under active development and while
considered stable may still contain serious bugs.
Comments, bug reports and suggestions are welcome and can be filed under [6]

Happy routing!
Christian Vetter

[1] MoNav Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/monav/
[2] MoNav on OpenStreetMap Wiki: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/MoNav
[3] Driving Instructions:
[4] Driving Instructions List:
[5] http://edu.kde.org/marble/
[6] http://code.google.com/p/monav/issues/list

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