[pgrouting-dev] [SoC] GSOC'13- pgrouting weekly report 11:A partitioned approach to on demand increment graph assembly for pgRouting.

Hi All,

Here is my 11th weekly report :

What did i do this week ??

*This week i fixed a lot of compile errors as i was trying to test my code.I generated my own test data.Overall the whole week was devoted to debugging.

What will I be working on next week ?

*Fix all the compile errors , have my test cases formulated in the input file.Get the read me file ready so that the community can have it tested as well .

Did I meet with any stumbling blocks?

  • The debugging took some time , i hope i can finish the integration in time before the deadline .

Code repository :

Regards :



Did you check code in? The last checking appears to be about 5 days old.


On 9/1/2013 9:14 AM, Mukul priya wrote:

Hi All,
Here is my 11th weekly report :

  What did i do this week ??*/

  *This week i fixed a lot of compile errors as i was trying to test my
code.I generated my own test data.Overall the whole week was devoted to

/* What will I be working on next week ?*/

  *Fix all the compile errors , have my test cases formulated in the
input file.Get the read me file ready so that the community can have it
tested as well .

*/ Did I meet with any stumbling blocks?/*

* The debugging took some time , i hope i can finish the integration in
time before the deadline .

Code repository :

Regards :


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