[pgrouting-dev] [SoC] GSOC'13- pgrouting weekly report #3:A partitioned approach to on demand increment graph assembly for

Hi all,

week 3 report:

What did i do this week ??

  • Implemented the basic partitioning stuff with help from Steve’s code on a sample self generated data set.
  • Tried to implement the same on an OSM data set .
  • Currently working on mechanism for retrieval of partitions so that the graph can be incremented.

What will I be working on next week ?

  • Basically get point 3 of the above done i.e code the partition retrieval and graph increment mechanism.

Did I meet with any stumbling blocks?

  • had some basic doubts that were solved through discussions.


Mukul Priya
+91 9885991061
Lab For Spatial Informatics
International Institute of Information Technology
Hyderabad, India