[pgrouting-dev] [SoC] GSOC'14- pgrouting weekly report 1:Refactor Current VRP Implementation into Generic Class Solver for pgRouting

Hi All,

Here is my first weekly report :

What did i do this week ?

  • As per the plan i read the paper provided by Steve and also researched a bit more about various versions of VRP.
  • Had a look at optaplanner as well to get some more idea about implementation.
  • Had a quick look at the present VRP solver code (not very thoroughly though).
  • The other things like repository branch has already been set up. I am already familiar with the code base and other stuff.

What will I be working on next week?

  • Go through the present VRP solver thoroughly .
  • Discuss more about common features of different versions of VRP with my mentors .

Did I meet with any stumbling blocks?

  • No

Link to weekly report :

Link to code repository :


Thanks and Regards,
