[pgrouting-dev] [SoC] GSOC'14- pgrouting weekly report 3:Refactor Current VRP Implementation into Generic Class Solver for pgRouting

Hi All,

Please find the third weekly report here :

What did i do this week ?

  • As per the initial plan for this week , the goal was to either get the optimizer of VRP_basic working or implement a new one . I went through the code initially but dropped the idea and started implementing a new one.we have got the initial feasible solution ready and the next step is to implement the optimizer.

What will I be working on next week?

  • Get the optimizer working ,at least a basic one such that we can solve the basic VRP and TSP.
  • Once the above goal is achieved which will then give me a better understanding of the problem in terms of implementation , i will then be able to get a better view on the architectural aspect of the general solver which is the ultimate goal.

Did I meet with any stumbling blocks?

  • No

Link to weekly report :https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-2014-Mukul-Priya-R3

Thanks and Regards,
