[pgrouting-dev] State of OSGeo migration


Many weeks have passed since we decided to migrate to OSGeo environment as described here:
Sorry for not giving any updates on the migration progress.

The beginning was very promising and I thought it won’t take a week to have everything moved to OSGeo servers. But then it got stuck with SVN and nobody of the OSGeo administrators was willing or able to import the SVN dump nor giving any clear answer to my emails on the mailing list. You can find emails and tickets in SAC TRAC and mailing list archives.

What could be achieved so far:

  • user mailing list migrated to OSGeo servers

  • dev mailing list created on OSGeo server

  • download directory created under http://download.osgeo.org/pgrouting/
    Everything went quick but SVN migration became frustrating and I started to think if it’s really a good idea to use OSGeo servers if the OSGeo administrators seem to be a bit too much busy. They are all volunteers, so I appreciate their work. But there were a couple of issues with the servers the last weeks, so I started to look for alternatives:

  • SUBVERSION alternative:
    Recently a lot of projects use distributed version control systems like Git, Mercurial or Bazaar. Especially Git seems to become more and more popular. Just a few weeks ago OpenLayers started to work on version 3 using Github for example.
    In my opinion a move to Git would make participation of developers without commit access easier. It would allow others to make use of version control without losing versioning information, so it would allow us to bring changes from other projects back into the main project. You see, I’m still hoping for contributions :wink:

  • FORUM alternative:
    The forum is a problem in my opinion. First it’s missing notification, second it’s more or less Anton and me answering 99% of the questions, and third it attracts a lot of spam, which I’m tired to delete. Spam filters don’t work. On the other hand it’s a lot more popular than the mailing list, so we would probably take a away a popular resource for pgRouting users. It seems the entry level to ask in a forum is a lot lower than to signup for the mailing list.
    So my idea would be something like “Stackoverflow”. There is an open source alternative called “Shapado”, which you can install on your own server, but also use a hosted installation. At the moment I would prefer the latter, and to see how it looks like I setup this for testing: http://ask.pgrouting.org/

  • TRAC WIKI alternative:
    The number of TRAC users is probably already several thousand … 99% spam accounts though. You can’t delete them anymore through the web interface, because user management with TRAC sucks. On the other hand, there are just a few people editing the TRAC wiki, so I don’t think a wiki is really necessary. People tend to write their recipes in their own blog anyway.
    I would propose to use Sphinx documentation generation to produce static HTML and PDF as so many other OSGeo projects do now. My experience with Sphinx is very good since I wrote the FOSS4G workshop manual with it, and also the pgRouting chapters of the next LiveDVD documentationt. We can keep the website documents under version control and make it accessible under pgrouting.org domain (there is no problem to host it on the Georepublic server from my side).

  • TRAC TICKETS alternative:
    Probably it would be easiest to use the Github ticketing system if we decide to use Github.
    If you have any comments, please let eevryone know.

Otherwise I would be interested to know who agrees or disagrees with this change of RFC 2.
If everyone agrees I will change RFC 2 (or make RFC 3) and proceed like described above.

Best regards,

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de


Just wonderig if

a) this email didn’t make it to the developer list, or
b) was too long and/or too difficult to understand.
c) … or just everyone on vacation at the moment? :wink:

Otherwise I would be glad to hear some feedback or even just a +1 or -1.

Thank you,

2010/7/27 Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de>


Many weeks have passed since we decided to migrate to OSGeo environment as described here:
Sorry for not giving any updates on the migration progress.

The beginning was very promising and I thought it won’t take a week to have everything moved to OSGeo servers. But then it got stuck with SVN and nobody of the OSGeo administrators was willing or able to import the SVN dump nor giving any clear answer to my emails on the mailing list. You can find emails and tickets in SAC TRAC and mailing list archives.

What could be achieved so far:

  • user mailing list migrated to OSGeo servers

  • dev mailing list created on OSGeo server

  • download directory created under http://download.osgeo.org/pgrouting/
    Everything went quick but SVN migration became frustrating and I started to think if it’s really a good idea to use OSGeo servers if the OSGeo administrators seem to be a bit too much busy. They are all volunteers, so I appreciate their work. But there were a couple of issues with the servers the last weeks, so I started to look for alternatives:

  • SUBVERSION alternative:
    Recently a lot of projects use distributed version control systems like Git, Mercurial or Bazaar. Especially Git seems to become more and more popular. Just a few weeks ago OpenLayers started to work on version 3 using Github for example.
    In my opinion a move to Git would make participation of developers without commit access easier. It would allow others to make use of version control without losing versioning information, so it would allow us to bring changes from other projects back into the main project. You see, I’m still hoping for contributions :wink:

  • FORUM alternative:
    The forum is a problem in my opinion. First it’s missing notification, second it’s more or less Anton and me answering 99% of the questions, and third it attracts a lot of spam, which I’m tired to delete. Spam filters don’t work. On the other hand it’s a lot more popular than the mailing list, so we would probably take a away a popular resource for pgRouting users. It seems the entry level to ask in a forum is a lot lower than to signup for the mailing list.
    So my idea would be something like “Stackoverflow”. There is an open source alternative called “Shapado”, which you can install on your own server, but also use a hosted installation. At the moment I would prefer the latter, and to see how it looks like I setup this for testing: http://ask.pgrouting.org/

  • TRAC WIKI alternative:
    The number of TRAC users is probably already several thousand … 99% spam accounts though. You can’t delete them anymore through the web interface, because user management with TRAC sucks. On the other hand, there are just a few people editing the TRAC wiki, so I don’t think a wiki is really necessary. People tend to write their recipes in their own blog anyway.
    I would propose to use Sphinx documentation generation to produce static HTML and PDF as so many other OSGeo projects do now. My experience with Sphinx is very good since I wrote the FOSS4G workshop manual with it, and also the pgRouting chapters of the next LiveDVD documentationt. We can keep the website documents under version control and make it accessible under pgrouting.org domain (there is no problem to host it on the Georepublic server from my side).

  • TRAC TICKETS alternative:
    Probably it would be easiest to use the Github ticketing system if we decide to use Github.
    If you have any comments, please let eevryone know.

Otherwise I would be interested to know who agrees or disagrees with this change of RFC 2.
If everyone agrees I will change RFC 2 (or make RFC 3) and proceed like described above.

Best regards,

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de


Sounds like a frustrating experience. Just an FYI to put things in perspective. One (or more) of the OSGeo servers got hacked and I think rootkited recently which has had the admins working overtime trying to setup replacement servers and to clean up the mess that that caused.

Daniel Kastl wrote:


Many weeks have passed since we decided to migrate to OSGeo environment as described here:
Sorry for not giving any updates on the migration progress.

The beginning was very promising and I thought it won't take a week to have everything moved to OSGeo servers. But then it got stuck with SVN and nobody of the OSGeo administrators was willing or able to import the SVN dump nor giving any clear answer to my emails on the mailing list. You can find emails and tickets in SAC TRAC and mailing list archives.

What could be achieved so far:

    * user mailing list migrated to OSGeo servers
    * dev mailing list created on OSGeo server
    * download directory created under http://download.osgeo.org/pgrouting/

Everything went quick but SVN migration became frustrating and I started to think if it's really a good idea to use OSGeo servers if the OSGeo administrators seem to be a bit too much busy. They are all volunteers, so I appreciate their work. But there were a couple of issues with the servers the last weeks, so I started to look for alternatives:

You have only discussed alternative software and not alternative hosting opportunities, like SourceForge, Google, other OSGeo supporters like MapGears, etc.

    * SUBVERSION alternative:
      Recently a lot of projects use distributed version control systems
      like Git, Mercurial or Bazaar. Especially Git seems to become more
      and more popular. Just a few weeks ago OpenLayers started to work
      on version 3 using Github for example.
      In my opinion a move to Git would make participation of developers
      without commit access easier. It would allow others to make use of
      version control without losing versioning information, so it would
      allow us to bring changes from other projects back into the main
      project. You see, I'm still hoping for contributions :wink:

Personally, I like subversion because I know it and it is used on most of the other projects that I use. I suppose I can learn Git if we were to move that direction. I think OpenLayers is moving that direction for Rev 3.0.

Another option would be to host it in SVN on say SourceForge.

    * FORUM alternative:
      The forum is a problem in my opinion. First it's missing
      notification, second it's more or less Anton and me answering 99%
      of the questions, and third it attracts a lot of spam, which I'm
      tired to delete. Spam filters don't work. On the other hand it's a
      lot more popular than the mailing list, so we would probably take
      a away a popular resource for pgRouting users. It seems the entry
      level to ask in a forum is a lot lower than to signup for the
      mailing list.
      So my idea would be something like "Stackoverflow". There is an
      open source alternative called "Shapado", which you can install on
      your own server, but also use a hosted installation. At the moment
      I would prefer the latter, and to see how it looks like I setup
      this for testing: http://ask.pgrouting.org/

Ha, I was not aware that we had a forum. I prefer a mailing list that is gated to nabble. We do not have a lot of traffic on the list and spam is not a big problem there. If we didn't have a forum, most of the spam would go away, casual viewers could read about it in nabble and serious users that need help would join the list for it.

    * TRAC WIKI alternative:
      The number of TRAC users is probably already several thousand ...
      99% spam accounts though. You can't delete them anymore through
      the web interface, because user management with TRAC sucks. On the
      other hand, there are just a few people editing the TRAC wiki, so
      I don't think a wiki is really necessary. People tend to write
      their recipes in their own blog anyway.
      I would propose to use Sphinx documentation generation to produce
      static HTML and PDF as so many other OSGeo projects do now. My
      experience with Sphinx is very good since I wrote the FOSS4G
      workshop manual with it, and also the pgRouting chapters of the
      next LiveDVD documentationt. We can keep the website documents
      under version control and make it accessible under pgrouting.org
      <http://pgrouting.org> domain (there is no problem to host it on
      the Georepublic server from my side).

Again, you can get svn, trac, wiki all integrated at SourceForge. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't see that much spam on the OSGeo wiki's because you have to have an OsGeo login and if you spam any wiki you get booted pretty quickly.

For documentation +1 on Sphinx (this is ReStructed Text, correct?) and keeping them under version control.

    * TRAC TICKETS alternative:
      Probably it would be easiest to use the Github ticketing system if
      we decide to use Github.

The OpenLayers team looks at the Github ticketing system and said it was poor and they decided to keep tickets in trac.

If you have any comments, please let eevryone know.
Otherwise I would be interested to know who agrees or disagrees with this change of RFC 2.
If everyone agrees I will change RFC 2 (or make RFC 3) and proceed like described above.

I appreciate all your efforts in this and can empathize with your frustration when getting this done is largely at the hands of over worked admins. I need to look at the ticket thread, but has OSGeo said no we are overloaded? or when we get to it? or what? I assume that once we are moved it would be less of a hassle and would be handled in the normal course of their business.

So, I guess I'm asking is this a case of wait to get the job done at OSGeo, or we really don't think it will get done or even if it gets done we don't think they can support our small project for whatever reason?

-1 on changing direction, at least until I have more information.

Sorry for the delayed response to this and many thanks for all you initiative to tackle this task which has gotten bogged down.

Best regards,

Best regards,

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de <mailto:daniel.kastl@georepublic.de>
Web: http://georepublic.de


pgrouting-dev mailing list

Hi Steve,

Thank you very much for your comments!
At least I know now that my email got out :wink:

Sounds like a frustrating experience. Just an FYI to put things in perspective. One (or more) of the OSGeo servers got hacked and I think rootkited recently which has had the admins working overtime trying to setup replacement servers and to clean up the mess that that caused.

Yes, I know about that incident and I don’t want to be on behalf of the admin team. They also did some server migration recently.
That they are too busy is probably one reason why it’s maybe better they concentrate on the OSGeo projects instead of become an FOSS4G sourceforge :wink:
Somehow I feel if you need to belong to the “club” of SAC that everything goes smoothly.

Everything went quick but SVN migration became frustrating and I started to think if it’s really a good idea to use OSGeo servers if the OSGeo administrators seem to be a bit too much busy. They are all volunteers, so I appreciate their work. But there were a couple of issues with the servers the last weeks, so I started to look for alternatives:

You have only discussed alternative software and not alternative hosting opportunities, like SourceForge, Google, other OSGeo supporters like MapGears, etc.

I didn’t know about MapGears, but I almost checked every important candidate on this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_revision_control_software
It more or less depends on what version control system you want to use. There is also Launchpad, which would be convenient for me, because I’m building pgRouting packages there for Ubuntu. But probably people would get mad at me if I would propose Bazaar.

  • SUBVERSION alternative:

Recently a lot of projects use distributed version control systems
like Git, Mercurial or Bazaar. Especially Git seems to become more
and more popular. Just a few weeks ago OpenLayers started to work
on version 3 using Github for example.
In my opinion a move to Git would make participation of developers
without commit access easier. It would allow others to make use of
version control without losing versioning information, so it would
allow us to bring changes from other projects back into the main
project. You see, I’m still hoping for contributions :wink:

Personally, I like subversion because I know it and it is used on most of the other projects that I use. I suppose I can learn Git if we were to move that direction. I think OpenLayers is moving that direction for Rev 3.0.

Another option would be to host it in SVN on say SourceForge.

Git attracts a lot of people at the moment, almost everyone around me is using it. I made the pgRouting workshop together with Frederic Junod from Camptocamp and we used Git. It was quite convenient, and I feel it makes it easy for others to make a “fork” (that’s how they call it) and have the possibility to bring back changes of these forks into the main project, because forks are like branches and they keep their history.

In my opinion pgRouting lost acouple possible contributers in the last years by the way SVN is restricted to selected people. I’m not only thinking of pgRoute here. Most developers will never ask you for commit rights.

With SourceForge I’m somehow not so happy and it’s probably just this annoying download page that you probably know. :wink:

  • FORUM alternative:

The forum is a problem in my opinion. First it’s missing
notification, second it’s more or less Anton and me answering 99%
of the questions, and third it attracts a lot of spam, which I’m
tired to delete. Spam filters don’t work. On the other hand it’s a
lot more popular than the mailing list, so we would probably take
a away a popular resource for pgRouting users. It seems the entry
level to ask in a forum is a lot lower than to signup for the
mailing list.
So my idea would be something like “Stackoverflow”. There is an
open source alternative called “Shapado”, which you can install on
your own server, but also use a hosted installation. At the moment
I would prefer the latter, and to see how it looks like I setup
this for testing: http://ask.pgrouting.org/

Ha, I was not aware that we had a forum. I prefer a mailing list that is gated to nabble. We do not have a lot of traffic on the list and spam is not a big problem there. If we didn’t have a forum, most of the spam would go away, casual viewers could read about it in nabble and serious users that need help would join the list for it.

Yes, it’s not called “Forum”, it’s called “Discussion”. It’s amazingly popular. I think three to four times of questions compared to the mailing list.
Nabble is a good idea … somehow I failed to use it in a proper way, probably didn’t get it. I think Nabble is good for those, who are used to mailing lists.

I’m not saying we don’t need a mailing list, I just wanted to replace the current “Discussion” in TRAC, because it’s an extension and we probably can’t install it on OSGeo or any other hosted TRAC. Hard to say what would happen if we only had a mailing list. Would everyone ask there instead? Would users just stop to ask?

  • TRAC WIKI alternative:

The number of TRAC users is probably already several thousand …
99% spam accounts though. You can’t delete them anymore through
the web interface, because user management with TRAC sucks. On the
other hand, there are just a few people editing the TRAC wiki, so
I don’t think a wiki is really necessary. People tend to write
their recipes in their own blog anyway.
I would propose to use Sphinx documentation generation to produce
static HTML and PDF as so many other OSGeo projects do now. My
experience with Sphinx is very good since I wrote the FOSS4G
workshop manual with it, and also the pgRouting chapters of the
next LiveDVD documentationt. We can keep the website documents
under version control and make it accessible under pgrouting.org

<http://pgrouting.org> domain (there is no problem to host it on

the Georepublic server from my side).

Again, you can get svn, trac, wiki all integrated at SourceForge. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t see that much spam on the OSGeo wiki’s because you have to have an OsGeo login and if you spam any wiki you get booted pretty quickly.

For documentation +1 on Sphinx (this is ReStructed Text, correct?) and keeping them under version control.

You mean the OSGeo TRAC wiki? Could be spamfree because they use a very unique login system. But I know that OpenLayers and GeoExt for example also have to fight spam. Actually it’s just the discussion forum that makes problems. And the users added by bots, because it makes it almost impossible to administrate.
It was my hope to get rid of it by using OSGeo TRAC …

Regarding SVN you are right. SorgeForge is a good option if we want to stay with SVN (or Google as well). It was my idea to make it easier for others to participate and contribute, so I would be in favor of a distributed version control system. Can be Mercurial as well or Bazaar. It’s more or less all the same with different names. Github recently allows to create “Organizations” (or you can call it groups). Otherwise there is Gitorious as well. I even heard that OSGeo has a Git repository for GSoC, right?

  • TRAC TICKETS alternative:

Probably it would be easiest to use the Github ticketing system if
we decide to use Github.

The OpenLayers team looks at the Github ticketing system and said it was poor and they decided to keep tickets in trac.

Yes, I heard so, too. But I also think that the problem of pgRouting tickets is currently less the platform we use than how we handle them. Currently they are a big mess even if we use TRAC :wink: I sometimes think TRAC tickets are too complicated to understand for people who file a ticket … or maybe we configured them wrong, I’m not sure.
I think simple is better, but I must admit that I didn’t test GitHub tickets in detail yet.

If you have any comments, please let eevryone know.
Otherwise I would be interested to know who agrees or disagrees with this change of RFC 2.
If everyone agrees I will change RFC 2 (or make RFC 3) and proceed like described above.

I appreciate all your efforts in this and can empathize with your frustration when getting this done is largely at the hands of over worked admins. I need to look at the ticket thread, but has OSGeo said no we are overloaded? or when we get to it? or what? I assume that once we are moved it would be less of a hassle and would be handled in the normal course of their business.

So, I guess I’m asking is this a case of wait to get the job done at OSGeo, or we really don’t think it will get done or even if it gets done we don’t think they can support our small project for whatever reason?

-1 on changing direction, at least until I have more information.

OK, that’s not so bad idea. A few weeks more doesn’t matter anymore after months of waiting :wink:
Maybe for you the answer of Christopher Schmidt is more clear. Here’s our conversation:

And this is the ticket for SVN: http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/561
