[pgrouting-dev] testing TSP example fails

Hmm. I did a clone w -b develop, so I never did a checkout of the repository after the clone. Also didn't configure the docs dependencies. Otherwise, it looks the same. About to rerun...

Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com> wrote:

If you are in the pgrouting git source tree like:

git clone git://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting.git
cd pgrouting
git checkout develop

cat tools/doit # this is my build script, it may not work for you

tools/test-runner.pl # this will run all the tests

The test script make a test database, loads the data and runs the tests.
If you look in src/tsp/test

CMakeLists.txt tsp-any-00.rest tsp-any-01.test tsp-any-03.rest
test.conf tsp-any-00.test tsp-any-02.rest tsp-any-03.test
tsp-any-00.data tsp-any-01.rest tsp-any-02.test

createdb runtests
psql runtests -c "create extension postgis"
psql runtests -c "create extension pgrouting"
psql runtests -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-00.data # load some data
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-00.test
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-01.test
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-02.test
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-03.test

The output of each command should be the same as *.rest file.


On 6/15/2013 4:39 PM, Stephen Mather wrote:

Ubuntu 12.04LTS

Postgis 2.0.1 r9979
GEOS 3.3.8-capi-1.7.8
proj 4.8.0
gdal 1.9.2
Libxml 2.7.8

pgr_version ()

When I run tests, it fails on every test w function not found. Do I need to prep the database in any way to run the tests?

Stephen Mather <stephen@smathermather.com> wrote:

I have not tried tests yet but have have run astar and djikstra w no problem. When does vacation start... I can run tests asap... :slight_smile:

Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com> wrote:

On 6/15/2013 2:44 PM, Stephen Mather wrote:

Hi All,

More TSP for today. In testing the example in the docs against the
example data, I get what is to me a cryptic error:

SELECT * FROM pgr_tsp('SELECT id AS source_id, x, y FROM

ERROR: Error TSP fail to findEulerianPath, check your distance matrix
is valid.

This typically means there is something bad happening in the distance
matrix that is getting passed to the TSP function. Hmmm.

I would start with can you run the test cases or do they fail on your

What OS system and versions of stuff are you running?

There TSP solution for 3 points is a triangle, it is a trivial case
where the input is the output. I thought is tested for that case but
maybe not.

BTW, I will be away on vacation without net access through June 25th, so
I will not be much help until I get back.


********** Error **********

ERROR: Error TSP fail to findEulerianPath, check your distance matrix is
SQL state: XX000

I get an entirely different error against my OSM data, but one error at
a time... .


pgrouting-dev mailing list

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pgrouting-dev mailing list

Ok, definitely some failures:

$stats = {
            'src/apsp_johnson/test/test.conf' => [
                                                     'comment' => 'APSP Johnson test for any versions.',
'src/apsp_johnson/test/apsp_johnson-any-00.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/apsp_warshall/test/test.conf' => [
                                                      'comment' => 'APSP Warshall test for any versions.',
'src/apsp_warshall/test/apsp_warshall-any-00.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/astar/test/test.conf' => [
                                              'comment' => 'astar test for any versions.',
'src/astar/test/spas-any-00.test' => 'Passed',
'src/astar/test/spas-any-01.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/bd_astar/test/test.conf' => [
                                                 'comment' => 'Bi-directional AStar test for any versions.',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-02.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-03.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-04.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-05.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-06.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/bd_dijkstra/test/test.conf' => [
                                                    'comment' => 'Bi-directional Dijkstra test for any versions.',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-02.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-03.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-04.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-05.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-06.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/common/test/test.conf' => [
                                               'comment' => 'pgr_createTopology, pgr_analyzegraph, and pgr_analyzeOneway tests for any versions.',
'src/common/test/common-any-01.test' => 'FAILED: 1,3d0
< psql:src/common/test/common-any-01.test:1: NOTICE: table "vertices_tmp" does not exist, skipping
< CONTEXT: SQL statement "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vertices_tmp"
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_createtopology(character varying,double precision,character varying,character varying) line 48 at SQL statement
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_createtopology(character varying,double precision,character varying,character varying) line 49 at SQL statement
> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_createtopology" line 49 at SQL statement',
'src/common/test/common-any-02.test' => 'Passed',
'src/common/test/common-any-03.test' => 'Passed',
'src/common/test/common-any-04.test' => 'FAILED: 3c3
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_nodenetwork(text,text,text,text,double precision) line 23 at SQL statement
> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_nodenetwork" line 23 at SQL statement
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_nodenetwork(text,text,text,text,double precision) line 58 at SQL statement
> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_nodenetwork" line 58 at SQL statement
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_nodenetwork(text,text,text,text,double precision) line 71 at EXECUTE statement
> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_nodenetwork" line 71 at EXECUTE statement
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_createtopology(character varying,double precision,character varying,character varying) line 49 at SQL statement
> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_createtopology" line 49 at SQL statement',
'src/common/test/versionless-any-01.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/dijkstra/test/test.conf' => [
                                                 'comment' => 'Dijkstra test for any versions.',
'src/dijkstra/test/spd-any-00.test' => 'Passed',
'src/dijkstra/test/spd-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/dijkstra/test/spd-any-02.test' => 'Passed',
'src/dijkstra/test/spd-any-03.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/driving_distance/test/test.conf' => [
'comment' => 'Driving Distance test for any versions.',
'src/driving_distance/test/drivingdistance-any-00.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/kdijkstra/test/test.conf' => [
                                                  'comment' => 'Dijkstra test for any versions.',
'src/kdijkstra/test/kdijkstra-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/kdijkstra/test/kdijkstra-any-02.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/ksp/test/test.conf' => [
                                            'comment' => 'KSP test for any versions.',
'src/ksp/test/ksp-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/ksp/test/ksp-any-02.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/trsp/test/test.conf' => [
                                             'comment' => 'TRSP test for any versions.',
'src/trsp/test/trsp-any-00.test' => 'Passed',
'src/trsp/test/trsp-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/trsp/test/trsp-any-02.test' => 'Passed',
'src/trsp/test/trsp-any-03.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/tsp/test/test.conf' => [
                                            'comment' => 'TSP test for any versions.',
'src/tsp/test/tsp-any-00.test' => 'Passed',
'src/tsp/test/tsp-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/tsp/test/tsp-any-02.test' => 'Passed'
            'z_crash' => 0,
            'z_fail' => 2,
            'z_pass' => 35

On 06/15/2013 05:09 PM, Stephen Mather wrote:

Hmm. I did a clone w -b develop, so I never did a checkout of the repository after the clone. Also didn't configure the docs dependencies. Otherwise, it looks the same. About to rerun...

Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com> wrote:

If you are in the pgrouting git source tree like:

git clone git://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting.git
cd pgrouting
git checkout develop

cat tools/doit # this is my build script, it may not work for you

tools/test-runner.pl # this will run all the tests

The test script make a test database, loads the data and runs the tests.
If you look in src/tsp/test

CMakeLists.txt tsp-any-00.rest tsp-any-01.test tsp-any-03.rest
test.conf tsp-any-00.test tsp-any-02.rest tsp-any-03.test
tsp-any-00.data tsp-any-01.rest tsp-any-02.test

createdb runtests
psql runtests -c "create extension postgis"
psql runtests -c "create extension pgrouting"
psql runtests -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-00.data # load some data
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-00.test
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-01.test
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-02.test
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-03.test

The output of each command should be the same as *.rest file.


On 6/15/2013 4:39 PM, Stephen Mather wrote:

Ubuntu 12.04LTS

Postgis 2.0.1 r9979
GEOS 3.3.8-capi-1.7.8
proj 4.8.0
gdal 1.9.2
Libxml 2.7.8

pgr_version ()

When I run tests, it fails on every test w function not found. Do I need to prep the database in any way to run the tests?

Stephen Mather <stephen@smathermather.com> wrote:

I have not tried tests yet but have have run astar and djikstra w no problem. When does vacation start... I can run tests asap... :slight_smile:

Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com> wrote:

On 6/15/2013 2:44 PM, Stephen Mather wrote:

Hi All,

More TSP for today. In testing the example in the docs against the
example data, I get what is to me a cryptic error:

SELECT * FROM pgr_tsp('SELECT id AS source_id, x, y FROM

ERROR: Error TSP fail to findEulerianPath, check your distance matrix
is valid.

This typically means there is something bad happening in the distance
matrix that is getting passed to the TSP function. Hmmm.

I would start with can you run the test cases or do they fail on your

What OS system and versions of stuff are you running?

There TSP solution for 3 points is a triangle, it is a trivial case
where the input is the output. I thought is tested for that case but
maybe not.

BTW, I will be away on vacation without net access through June 25th, so
I will not be much help until I get back.


********** Error **********

ERROR: Error TSP fail to findEulerianPath, check your distance matrix is
SQL state: XX000

I get an entirely different error against my OSM data, but one error at
a time... .


pgrouting-dev mailing list

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pgrouting-dev mailing list

OK, those are benign for some reason postgres is not consistent about the way it issues NOTICE statements on different versions of so it those are false failures.

If you want to file a ticket on the failure with enough info on how to reproduce it, I'll look at it when I get back.


On 6/15/2013 5:27 PM, Stephen Mather wrote:

Ok, definitely some failures:

$stats = {
            'src/apsp_johnson/test/test.conf' => [
                                                     'comment' => 'APSP
Johnson test for any versions.',
'src/apsp_johnson/test/apsp_johnson-any-00.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/apsp_warshall/test/test.conf' => [
                                                      'comment' => 'APSP
Warshall test for any versions.',
'src/apsp_warshall/test/apsp_warshall-any-00.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/astar/test/test.conf' => [
                                              'comment' => 'astar test
for any versions.',
'src/astar/test/spas-any-00.test' => 'Passed',
'src/astar/test/spas-any-01.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/bd_astar/test/test.conf' => [
                                                 'comment' =>
'Bi-directional AStar test for any versions.',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-02.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-03.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-04.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-05.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_astar/test/bd_astar-any-06.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/bd_dijkstra/test/test.conf' => [
                                                    'comment' =>
'Bi-directional Dijkstra test for any versions.',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-02.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-03.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-04.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-05.test' => 'Passed',
'src/bd_dijkstra/test/bd_dijkstra-any-06.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/common/test/test.conf' => [
                                               'comment' =>
'pgr_createTopology, pgr_analyzegraph, and pgr_analyzeOneway tests for
any versions.',
'src/common/test/common-any-01.test' => 'FAILED: 1,3d0
< psql:src/common/test/common-any-01.test:1: NOTICE: table
"vertices_tmp" does not exist, skipping
< CONTEXT: SQL statement "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vertices_tmp"
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_createtopology(character varying,double
precision,character varying,character varying) line 48 at SQL statement
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_createtopology(character varying,double
precision,character varying,character varying) line 49 at SQL statement
> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_createtopology" line 49 at SQL statement',
'src/common/test/common-any-02.test' => 'Passed',
'src/common/test/common-any-03.test' => 'Passed',
'src/common/test/common-any-04.test' => 'FAILED: 3c3
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_nodenetwork(text,text,text,text,double
precision) line 23 at SQL statement
> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_nodenetwork" line 23 at SQL statement
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_nodenetwork(text,text,text,text,double
precision) line 58 at SQL statement
> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_nodenetwork" line 58 at SQL statement
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_nodenetwork(text,text,text,text,double
precision) line 71 at EXECUTE statement
> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_nodenetwork" line 71 at EXECUTE statement
< PL/pgSQL function pgr_createtopology(character varying,double
precision,character varying,character varying) line 49 at SQL statement
> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_createtopology" line 49 at SQL statement',
'src/common/test/versionless-any-01.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/dijkstra/test/test.conf' => [
                                                 'comment' => 'Dijkstra
test for any versions.',
'src/dijkstra/test/spd-any-00.test' => 'Passed',
'src/dijkstra/test/spd-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/dijkstra/test/spd-any-02.test' => 'Passed',
'src/dijkstra/test/spd-any-03.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/driving_distance/test/test.conf' => [
'comment' => 'Driving Distance test for any versions.',
'src/driving_distance/test/drivingdistance-any-00.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/kdijkstra/test/test.conf' => [
                                                  'comment' => 'Dijkstra
test for any versions.',
'src/kdijkstra/test/kdijkstra-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/kdijkstra/test/kdijkstra-any-02.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/ksp/test/test.conf' => [
                                            'comment' => 'KSP test for
any versions.',
'src/ksp/test/ksp-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/ksp/test/ksp-any-02.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/trsp/test/test.conf' => [
                                             'comment' => 'TRSP test for
any versions.',
'src/trsp/test/trsp-any-00.test' => 'Passed',
'src/trsp/test/trsp-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/trsp/test/trsp-any-02.test' => 'Passed',
'src/trsp/test/trsp-any-03.test' => 'Passed'
            'src/tsp/test/test.conf' => [
                                            'comment' => 'TSP test for
any versions.',
'src/tsp/test/tsp-any-00.test' => 'Passed',
'src/tsp/test/tsp-any-01.test' => 'Passed',
'src/tsp/test/tsp-any-02.test' => 'Passed'
            'z_crash' => 0,
            'z_fail' => 2,
            'z_pass' => 35

On 06/15/2013 05:09 PM, Stephen Mather wrote:

Hmm. I did a clone w -b develop, so I never did a checkout of the
repository after the clone. Also didn't configure the docs
dependencies. Otherwise, it looks the same. About to rerun...

Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com> wrote:

If you are in the pgrouting git source tree like:

git clone git://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting.git
cd pgrouting
git checkout develop

cat tools/doit # this is my build script, it may not work for you

tools/test-runner.pl # this will run all the tests

The test script make a test database, loads the data and runs the tests.
If you look in src/tsp/test

CMakeLists.txt tsp-any-00.rest tsp-any-01.test tsp-any-03.rest
test.conf tsp-any-00.test tsp-any-02.rest tsp-any-03.test
tsp-any-00.data tsp-any-01.rest tsp-any-02.test

createdb runtests
psql runtests -c "create extension postgis"
psql runtests -c "create extension pgrouting"
psql runtests -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-00.data # load some data
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-00.test
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-01.test
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-02.test
psql runtests -A -t -f src/tsp/test/tsp-any-03.test

The output of each command should be the same as *.rest file.


On 6/15/2013 4:39 PM, Stephen Mather wrote:

Ubuntu 12.04LTS

Postgis 2.0.1 r9979
GEOS 3.3.8-capi-1.7.8
proj 4.8.0
gdal 1.9.2
Libxml 2.7.8

pgr_version ()

When I run tests, it fails on every test w function not found. Do I
need to prep the database in any way to run the tests?

Stephen Mather <stephen@smathermather.com> wrote:

I have not tried tests yet but have have run astar and djikstra w
no problem. When does vacation start... I can run tests asap... :slight_smile:

Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com> wrote:

On 6/15/2013 2:44 PM, Stephen Mather wrote:

Hi All,

More TSP for today. In testing the example in the docs against the
example data, I get what is to me a cryptic error:

SELECT * FROM pgr_tsp('SELECT id AS source_id, x, y FROM

ERROR: Error TSP fail to findEulerianPath, check your distance
is valid.

This typically means there is something bad happening in the distance
matrix that is getting passed to the TSP function. Hmmm.

I would start with can you run the test cases or do they fail on your

What OS system and versions of stuff are you running?

There TSP solution for 3 points is a triangle, it is a trivial case
where the input is the output. I thought is tested for that case but
maybe not.

BTW, I will be away on vacation without net access through June
25th, so
I will not be much help until I get back.


********** Error **********

ERROR: Error TSP fail to findEulerianPath, check your distance
matrix is
SQL state: XX000

I get an entirely different error against my OSM data, but one
error at
a time... .


pgrouting-dev mailing list

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