[pgrouting-dev] [transit-developers] Re: Open transit database

Hi Kishore (and Jay),

Because we talked about GTFS I thought to forward this message.
I haven’t heard about gtfs-data-exchange.com, but there was also Bangalore transit agency listed:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joe Hughes <joe.hughes.code@gmail.com>
Date: 2011/5/4
Subject: [transit-developers] Re: Open transit database
To: Transit Developers <transit-developers@googlegroups.com>

Hi Patrick!

I recommend having a look at gtfs-data-exchange.com — that site
aggregates not only officially-released GTFS data, but also feeds
created/converted by volunteers. In this view, you can see the all
the “unofficial” data denoted by gray stars:

There’s also an embryonic project called Transiki to crowdsource
transit data, but I haven’t seen much activity around it since last


On May 1, 4:29 pm, Patrick J Collins <patrickjcoll…@gmail.com>

Hi All,

While we’re waiting for transit agencies to open up their data, which
here in Europe seems to be proceeding at a snail’s pace, how about
creating an open volunteer-maintained database of transit data? The
examples of Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap clearly indicate that
community-maintained information stores can exist and be viable.
While this data probably wouldn’t be usable by Google Transit, which
relies on official agency-supplied data, it could be exported to GTFS
and fed into a tool like the OpenTripPlanner, thus enabling people
like me who live in cities without public data to still go ahead and
use a route planner to get about on public transport.

Perhaps an initiative like this already exists or has at least been
talked about; I look forward to any and all comments from fellow
transit developers on this subject.


Patrick Collins
Marseille, France

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