[pgrouting-dev] Version numbering suggestion

I'm not sure if there is a reason for this, so take this as a suggestion and
shoot me down if I am out of place suggesting this.

I think the version number for new branches should be bumped to minimize
confusion with the stable branch.

As I noted before the develop branch still has version number 2.0.0 which is
really confusing since technically it should be 2.1.0 or better 2.1.0dev to
reflect it hasn't been released yet and has more or less functions than the

To a less important extent, the master branch should be bumped to 2.0.1 or

I must add that PostgreSQL, PostGIS, and GEOS all follow the pattern of
bumping up their versions when they start a new development branch or after
they tag a stable branch.


Hi Regina,

What you propose is probably what we want(ed) to do.
Eventually there is a problem with our pre-commit hook:

Probably the failure is, that this hook needs to be copied manually into the .git/hooks directory after a new clone, and it’s too easy to forget this. It actually happened to me :wink:

Thanks for the notice!


On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 8:18 AM, Paragon Corporation <lr@pcorp.us> wrote:

I’m not sure if there is a reason for this, so take this as a suggestion and
shoot me down if I am out of place suggesting this.

I think the version number for new branches should be bumped to minimize
confusion with the stable branch.

As I noted before the develop branch still has version number 2.0.0 which is
really confusing since technically it should be 2.1.0 or better 2.1.0dev to
reflect it hasn’t been released yet and has more or less functions than the

To a less important extent, the master branch should be bumped to 2.0.1 or

I must add that PostgreSQL, PostGIS, and GEOS all follow the pattern of
bumping up their versions when they start a new development branch or after
they tag a stable branch.


pgrouting-dev mailing list

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.info

Hi Regina,

Rightly or wrongly the versioning that I was trying to impose (assuming I remember this correctly) was something along the line of:

Master should represent the current stable tagged released version. (currently 2.0.0)

We created branches:

  develop-2_0_1 from the 2.0.0 released master for bug fixes, probably have not toggled the version number yet because it is a "develop" branch

  develop from the 2.0.0 released master for the next release aka: 2.1.0 but probably have not toggled the version number as it is a "develop" branch and we had no plan for the next release.

There are a lot of other branches that can be ignored and will get cleaned up when we tackle the next release.

Maybe you can explain the versioning that postgis uses and what events you use to change version numbers.

For us, develop is always the NEXT major in development release branch
and develop_X_X_X is a minor development bugfix release branch. And master is the current stable tagged release.

I'm not opposed to changing this to make it easier for others to work with us. This is just what I thought other projects were doing and seemed to be a logical and simple to follow process.

Input is always welcome.


On 12/25/2014 8:00 PM, Daniel Kastl wrote:

Hi Regina,

What you propose is probably what we want(ed) to do.
Eventually there is a problem with our pre-commit hook:

Probably the failure is, that this hook needs to be copied manually into
the .git/hooks directory after a new clone, and it's too easy to forget
this. It actually happened to me :wink:

Thanks for the notice!

On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 8:18 AM, Paragon Corporation <lr@pcorp.us
<mailto:lr@pcorp.us>> wrote:

    I'm not sure if there is a reason for this, so take this as a
    suggestion and
    shoot me down if I am out of place suggesting this.

    I think the version number for new branches should be bumped to minimize
    confusion with the stable branch.

    As I noted before the develop branch still has version number 2.0.0
    which is
    really confusing since technically it should be 2.1.0 or better
    2.1.0dev to
    reflect it hasn't been released yet and has more or less functions
    than the

    To a less important extent, the master branch should be bumped to
    2.0.1 or

    I must add that PostgreSQL, PostGIS, and GEOS all follow the pattern of
    bumping up their versions when they start a new development branch
    or after
    they tag a stable branch.


    pgrouting-dev mailing list
    pgrouting-dev@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:pgrouting-dev@lists.osgeo.org>

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de <mailto:daniel.kastl@georepublic.de>
Web: http://georepublic.info

pgrouting-dev mailing list

Maybe you can explain the versioning that postgis uses and what events you

use to change version numbers.

For us, develop is always the NEXT major in development release branch and

develop_X_X_X is a minor development bugfix release branch. And master is
the current stable tagged release.

I'm not opposed to changing this to make it easier for others to work with

us. This is just what I thought other projects were doing and seemed to be a
logical and simple to follow process.

Input is always welcome.

PostGIS is still on svn for core -- though we have a github mirror which
more or less follows our svn pattern

For us the trunk (marked svn-trunk and the default branch) is our
development branch -- so that would be what will become 2.2.0 and has
version 2.2.0dev to reflect its still in development

For each stable branch we have a branch -- 2.0 (which is version 2.0.7dev),
2.1 (which is versioned 2.1.6dev

Then for releases we have tags - 2.0.6, 2.1.5, etc.

When we start a new minor (has new functions and can be upgraded with an
in-place upgrade) - which happens as soon as we release the last minor, we
tag our current master (trunk), then create a new stable branch, and then
bump the master to new version.

So for example when we released 2.0.0

We created a tag of current master (svn-trunk) as 2.0.0, created a new
branch (2.0) from master (this was tagged as 2.0.1SVN (legacy reasons new
convention is to add dev at end) ), and then changed master to 2.1.0dev

This happened again when we went from 2.0 to 2.1 (as you can see in our
branches and tags here -- https://github.com/postgis/postgis ) so our
svn-trunk became 2.2.0dev

So in a nutshell, we never have two branches (or tags) that have the same
version number. By version number, I'm talking about when you install
PostGIS / pgRouting



What you see when you run:
SELECT postgis_full_version();
SELECT * FROM pgr_version();

As well as what you see for version when you run

SELECT name, default_version,installed_version
FROM pg_available_extensions
WHERE name IN('postgis', 'pgrouting');


Hi Regina,

Our plan was to follow this schema:

… maybe with some simplifaction.

Git repositorites sometimes get a bit “messy” with too many branches, if merged branches are not deleted afterwards.
But in general relevant branches should be only:

  • master (=latest release version)
  • develop (=about the same as “trunk” in SVN)
    Other branches may be there for convenience, to try out new things, or some other reason. But they are not important for the standard user.



On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Paragon Corporation <lr@pcorp.us> wrote:

Maybe you can explain the versioning that postgis uses and what events you
use to change version numbers.

For us, develop is always the NEXT major in development release branch and
develop_X_X_X is a minor development bugfix release branch. And master is
the current stable tagged release.

I’m not opposed to changing this to make it easier for others to work with
us. This is just what I thought other projects were doing and seemed to be a
logical and simple to follow process.

Input is always welcome.

PostGIS is still on svn for core – though we have a github mirror which
more or less follows our svn pattern

For us the trunk (marked svn-trunk and the default branch) is our
development branch – so that would be what will become 2.2.0 and has
version 2.2.0dev to reflect its still in development

For each stable branch we have a branch – 2.0 (which is version 2.0.7dev),
2.1 (which is versioned 2.1.6dev

Then for releases we have tags - 2.0.6, 2.1.5, etc.

When we start a new minor (has new functions and can be upgraded with an
in-place upgrade) - which happens as soon as we release the last minor, we
tag our current master (trunk), then create a new stable branch, and then
bump the master to new version.

So for example when we released 2.0.0

We created a tag of current master (svn-trunk) as 2.0.0, created a new
branch (2.0) from master (this was tagged as 2.0.1SVN (legacy reasons new
convention is to add dev at end) ), and then changed master to 2.1.0dev

This happened again when we went from 2.0 to 2.1 (as you can see in our
branches and tags here – https://github.com/postgis/postgis ) so our
svn-trunk became 2.2.0dev

So in a nutshell, we never have two branches (or tags) that have the same
version number. By version number, I’m talking about when you install
PostGIS / pgRouting



What you see when you run:
SELECT postgis_full_version();
SELECT * FROM pgr_version();

As well as what you see for version when you run

SELECT name, default_version,installed_version
FROM pg_available_extensions
WHERE name IN(‘postgis’, ‘pgrouting’);


pgrouting-dev mailing list

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.info

Sounds good to me. Only question I have is

By release – do you mean like a stable branch (so bug-fixes can be committed to it) or that it is the last one you released and no further changes can be made to it.

I think having a branch of the latest stable is important, particularly if someone runs into a bug and doesn’t want to go to the development branch that may add more functions.

Aside from that. My main suggestion is the develop version and released version should not have the same version number since this just causes confusion for people.


From: pgrouting-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:pgrouting-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Kastl
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 11:19 PM
To: pgRouting developers mailing list
Subject: Re: [pgrouting-dev] Version numbering suggestion

Hi Regina,

Our plan was to follow this schema:

… maybe with some simplifaction.

Git repositorites sometimes get a bit “messy” with too many branches, if merged branches are not deleted afterwards.
But in general relevant branches should be only:

  • master (=latest release version)
  • develop (=about the same as “trunk” in SVN)
    Other branches may be there for convenience, to try out new things, or some other reason. But they are not important for the standard user.


On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Paragon Corporation <lr@pcorp.us> wrote:

Maybe you can explain the versioning that postgis uses and what events you
use to change version numbers.

For us, develop is always the NEXT major in development release branch and
develop_X_X_X is a minor development bugfix release branch. And master is
the current stable tagged release.

I’m not opposed to changing this to make it easier for others to work with
us. This is just what I thought other projects were doing and seemed to be a
logical and simple to follow process.

Input is always welcome.

PostGIS is still on svn for core – though we have a github mirror which
more or less follows our svn pattern

For us the trunk (marked svn-trunk and the default branch) is our
development branch – so that would be what will become 2.2.0 and has
version 2.2.0dev to reflect its still in development

For each stable branch we have a branch – 2.0 (which is version 2.0.7dev),
2.1 (which is versioned 2.1.6dev

Then for releases we have tags - 2.0.6, 2.1.5, etc.

When we start a new minor (has new functions and can be upgraded with an
in-place upgrade) - which happens as soon as we release the last minor, we
tag our current master (trunk), then create a new stable branch, and then
bump the master to new version.

So for example when we released 2.0.0

We created a tag of current master (svn-trunk) as 2.0.0, created a new
branch (2.0) from master (this was tagged as 2.0.1SVN (legacy reasons new
convention is to add dev at end) ), and then changed master to 2.1.0dev

This happened again when we went from 2.0 to 2.1 (as you can see in our
branches and tags here – https://github.com/postgis/postgis ) so our
svn-trunk became 2.2.0dev

So in a nutshell, we never have two branches (or tags) that have the same
version number. By version number, I’m talking about when you install
PostGIS / pgRouting



What you see when you run:
SELECT postgis_full_version();
SELECT * FROM pgr_version();

As well as what you see for version when you run

SELECT name, default_version,installed_version
FROM pg_available_extensions
WHERE name IN(‘postgis’, ‘pgrouting’);


pgrouting-dev mailing list

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.info

On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Paragon Corporation <lr@pcorp.us> wrote:

Sounds good to me. Only question I have is

By release -- do you mean like a stable branch (so bug-fixes can be
committed to it) or that it is the last one you released and no further
changes can be made to it.

I think "tags" are a good way to mark releases, because Github also treats
tags as releases somehow: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/releases
(Need to read about this more)

You can always use a tag as a base for a new branch or whatever else.
You will find the 2.0.0 release tagged as v2.0.0 as well as
pgrouting-2.0.0, which was a request by the CentOS packager.
I'm not sure yet, if it helped to solve the packaging issue. For the Ubuntu
packages I preferred the short version.

I think having a branch of the latest stable is important, particularly if
someone runs into a bug and doesn't want to go to the development branch
that may add more functions.

Aside from that. My main suggestion is the develop version and released
version should not have the same version number since this just causes
confusion for people.

They should have a different number. I think it was my fault, because I
created a new clone of the repository and forgot to copy the pre-commit
A remaining issue with this pre-commit hook is, that it only knows the
previous hash tag, not the one created with the commit. But I don't think
there is a solution for this.


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.info

Hi All,

I have been struggling on how to setup my own project workflow and this discussion seems to follow my thinking.

I'm setting up a gitlab server which is a gitHub like wrapper for git which can be run on your own server for private work.
Here is a link to a blog on the gitlab website discussing many different ideas on workflow with git. This discussion may help you determine a simple workflow which fits the needs of pgRouting.


*Worth Lutz*

On 12/26/2014 01:53 AM, Daniel Kastl wrote:

On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Paragon Corporation <lr@pcorp.us <mailto:lr@pcorp.us>> wrote:

    Sounds good to me. Only question I have is
    By release -- do you mean like a stable branch (so bug-fixes can
    be committed to it) or that it is the last one you released and no
    further changes can be made to it.

I think "tags" are a good way to mark releases, because Github also treats tags as releases somehow: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/releases
(Need to read about this more)

You can always use a tag as a base for a new branch or whatever else.
You will find the 2.0.0 release tagged as v2.0.0 as well as pgrouting-2.0.0, which was a request by the CentOS packager.
I'm not sure yet, if it helped to solve the packaging issue. For the Ubuntu packages I preferred the short version.

    I think having a branch of the latest stable is important,
    particularly if someone runs into a bug and doesn't want to go to
    the development branch that may add more functions.
    Aside from that. My main suggestion is the develop version and
    released version should not have the same version number since
    this just causes confusion for people.

They should have a different number. I think it was my fault, because I created a new clone of the repository and forgot to copy the pre-commit hook.
A remaining issue with this pre-commit hook is, that it only knows the previous hash tag, not the one created with the commit. But I don't think there is a solution for this.


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de <mailto:daniel.kastl@georepublic.de>
Web: http://georepublic.info

pgrouting-dev mailing list

On 12/26/2014 1:18 AM, Paragon Corporation wrote:

Sounds good to me. Only question I have is
By release -- do you mean like a stable branch (so bug-fixes can be
committed to it) or that it is the last one you released and no further
changes can be made to it.

In git, a tag and a branch are virtually the same thing. They both mark a point in the change history of the software. A "release" is an administrative event. In theory once you make a release it can not be changed and we create a tag representing that point in history.

At anytime, we can make a branch from a tag or another branch which will instantiate copy of the source tree at the reference from which you created the branch.

1) make a release 2.0.0 and
2) tag it as v2.0.0 and
3) create a branch develop_2_0_1 (from the tag v2.0.0) for a potential bug fix release and
4) create a branch develop (from the tag v2.0.0) for the next feature release

at the time of the release all these are identical. select pgr_version();

develop branch reports:

pgrouting-2.0.0-78-gabde224 develop

where the version is "pgrouting-2.0.0" plus 78 commits ahead of that with the git index of "gabde224" in the "develop" branch.

"master" and "develop-2_0_1" branch reports:

pgrouting-2.0.0-0-gd6ed2cb master

where the version is "pgrouting-2.0.0" and 0 commits ahead of that with the git index of "gd6ed2cb" in the "master" branch

The oddity of reporting "develop-2_0_1" branch as master is only because the branch tag only gets updated after we make a change to the branch. and there have been no changes committed to the "develop-2_0_1" branch yet.

So we have a very specific versioning scheme, and I have a commit hook that makes sure things stay updated.

We could change this and immediately bump the version number on the branch which avoid the confusion when the branch is created, but it creates the same confusion later because pgrouting-2.0.1 really that or some prerelease develop leading up to the the release. This is only clear if you look at the full version.

Our currently tagging scheme actually allows use to checkout exactly the source that is referenced in the full version info for example to check a bug against that source. If someone reports an issue against a version we can immediately determine to a high degree of specificity where if came from.


         "version" varchar,
         tag varchar,
         build varchar,
         hash varchar,
         branch varchar,
         boost varchar
     ) AS
.. function:: pgr_version()

    Author: Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@imaptools.com>

    Returns the version of pgrouting,Git build,Git hash, Git branch and boost


                         '${PGROUTING_GIT_TAG}'::varchar AS tag,
                         '${PGROUTING_GIT_BUILD}'::varchar AS build,
                         '${PGROUTING_GIT_HASH}'::varchar AS hash,
                         '${PGROUTING_GIT_BRANCH}'::varchar AS branch,
'${Boost_MAJOR_VERSION}.${Boost_MINOR_VERSION}.${Boost_SUBMINOR_VERSION}'::varchar AS boost;

I think having a branch of the latest stable is important, particularly
if someone runs into a bug and doesn't want to go to the development
branch that may add more functions.
Aside from that. My main suggestion is the develop version and released
version should not have the same version number since this just causes
confusion for people.

*From:* pgrouting-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:pgrouting-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf Of *Daniel Kastl
*Sent:* Thursday, December 25, 2014 11:19 PM
*To:* pgRouting developers mailing list
*Subject:* Re: [pgrouting-dev] Version numbering suggestion

Hi Regina,

Our plan was to follow this schema:
... maybe with some simplifaction.

Git repositorites sometimes get a bit "messy" with too many branches, if
merged branches are not deleted afterwards.
But in general relevant branches should be only:

  * master (=latest release version)
  * develop (=about the same as "trunk" in SVN)

Other branches may be there for convenience, to try out new things, or
some other reason. But they are not important for the standard user.


On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Paragon Corporation <lr@pcorp.us
<mailto:lr@pcorp.us>> wrote:

    >Maybe you can explain the versioning that postgis uses and what
    events you
    use to change version numbers.

    > For us, develop is alwaysthe NEXT major in development release branch and
    develop_X_X_X is a minor development bugfix release branch. And
    master is
    the current stable tagged release.

    > I'm not opposed to changing this to make it easier forothers to work with
    us. This is just what I thought other projects were doing and seemed
    to be a
    logical and simple to follow process.

    >Input is always welcome.

    PostGIS is still on svn for core -- though we have a github mirror which
    more or less follows our svn pattern

    For us the trunk (marked svn-trunk and the default branch) is our
    development branch -- so that would be what will become 2.2.0 and has
    version 2.2.0dev to reflect its still in development

    For each stable branch we have a branch -- 2.0 (which is version
    2.1 (which is versioned 2.1.6dev

    Then for releases we have tags - 2.0.6, 2.1.5, etc.

    When we start a new minor (has new functions and can be upgraded with an
    in-place upgrade) - which happens as soon as we release the last
    minor, we
    tag our current master (trunk), then create a new stable branch, and
    bump the master to new version.

    So for example when we released 2.0.0

    We created a tag of current master (svn-trunk) as 2.0.0, created a new
    branch (2.0) from master (this was tagged as 2.0.1SVN (legacy
    reasons new
    convention is to add dev at end) ), and then changed master to 2.1.0dev

    This happened again when we went from 2.0 to 2.1 (as you can see in our
    branches and tags here -- https://github.com/postgis/postgis ) so our
    svn-trunk became 2.2.0dev

    So in a nutshell, we never have two branches (or tags) that have the
    version number. By version number, I'm talking about when you install
    PostGIS / pgRouting


    CREATE EXTENSION pgrouting;

    What you see when you run:
    SELECT postgis_full_version();
    SELECT * FROM pgr_version();

    As well as what you see for version when you run

    SELECT name, default_version,installed_version
    FROM pg_available_extensions
    WHERE name IN('postgis', 'pgrouting');


    pgrouting-dev mailing list
    pgrouting-dev@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:pgrouting-dev@lists.osgeo.org>

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de <mailto:daniel.kastl@georepublic.de>
Web: http://georepublic.info

pgrouting-dev mailing list

but it creates the same confusion later because pgrouting-2.0.1 really

that or some prerelease develop leading up to the the release. This is only
clear if you look at the full version.

That's the reason in PostGIS we don't call it 2.0.1 we call iti 2.0 branch
but the version number on it is 2.0.1dev so we know it's not a released

It's true you can tell by looking at pgr_version() if you look hard enough
where it came from.

I'm more thinking along the lines of what the extension version says.

It's not an issue for pgRouting at the moment since to upgrade pgrouting you
just drop the pgrouting extension and then readd it.

But -- what happens when people start building functions around the
pgrouting functions or you have data types used by users, then you have the
problem that

Your extension is called 2.0.0 in both your release and your minor/micro
development branch.

So there would be no way for someone to do an extension upgrade, even if you
supported such a thing.


OK, I'm fine with changing the way we do things. I'm not sure what that means for changes to the repository without working my way through all the changes and testing them. It has been 18+ months since I setup this scheme and I don't remember all the details of how things get populated and when. I do know that we probably need a script to automate change versions when we make a release, because we had a few false starts last time making the 2.0 releases.

I'm tied up on some unrelated projects and it will be a while before I can get back to doing much on pgrouting.


On 12/26/2014 3:53 PM, Paragon Corporation wrote:

but it creates the same confusion later because pgrouting-2.0.1 really

that or some prerelease develop leading up to the the release. This is only
clear if you look at the full version.

That's the reason in PostGIS we don't call it 2.0.1 we call iti 2.0 branch
but the version number on it is 2.0.1dev so we know it's not a released

It's true you can tell by looking at pgr_version() if you look hard enough
where it came from.

I'm more thinking along the lines of what the extension version says.

It's not an issue for pgRouting at the moment since to upgrade pgrouting you
just drop the pgrouting extension and then readd it.

But -- what happens when people start building functions around the
pgrouting functions or you have data types used by users, then you have the
problem that

Your extension is called 2.0.0 in both your release and your minor/micro
development branch.

So there would be no way for someone to do an extension upgrade, even if you
supported such a thing.


pgrouting-dev mailing list