[pgrouting-dev] Weekly Report #10: Implementing VRP-Pickup and Delivery Problem for pgRouting

Hi all,

Project: Implementing VRP-PDPTW for pgRouting.
Report Number: 10

  • Implementing a few things with OOP and try to write the optimizer.

  • As per the plan I’ve re-implemented and designed a few things. Now most of them in objects for a better understanding.
  • Wrote an optimizer which is partially working.
  • Tested it with all the input files and its working for every test case.

<What will I be working on next week?>

  • I will be working on Integration into pgRouting which will be my final task for the project.
  • After that I ll be on optimizer again.

<Did I meet with any stumbling blocks? >

  • A few postgresql and postgis errors. Sorted it out

Important links:

Link to Weekly Report: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-2014-Manikanta-Kondeti-R10

Link to code repository: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/tree/gsoc-vrppdtw/src/vrppdtw

Link to my wiki page: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-2014-Manikanta-Kondeti
