[pgrouting-dev] Weekly Report For GSoC Project - Extension of pgRouting Contraction framework to implement Contraction By Area

Hi All Community Members,
This is Ankur Shukla. I am working with pgRouting for GSoC 2017. We at pgRouting have spent a great bonding period and now we have begun with the coding phase.
Our first coding task was to generate a template of the function we want to design. This task has enabled us to learn a lot about the coding architecture of pgRouting. To develop our own function was really fun.
This week I have worked on generating a template function and modifying it to my needs and in the coming week I’ll be working on its tests and documentation related code. The consolidated report of my work for this week can be found here: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-2017-Area-Contraction#week-1 and the details of all the task for this week can be found here: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-2017-Area-Contraction#week-1-tasks
I am looking forward to the coming weeks and eager to read from all the other OSGeo students about their first coding week.



Ankur Shukla
Teaching Assistant, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering
Company Coordinator, Placement Cell

IIT Bombay