[pgrouting-dev] Which versions of cgal, gaul and boost should be used to compile pgrouting on Ubuntu 12-4


I am trying to build from source and I am getting compiler errors.

Which versions of boost, cgal and gaul should be used to build the
pgrouting software?

My build platform is 64 Ubuntu 12.4, gcc 4.6.3.




I am trying to add intergrate some code to add support for the K
shortest-path problem to pg route.

There are lots of branches in git archive
https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting.git which version is the most

I am aware that the default versin 1.05 does not appear to compile with
the current support libraries due to changes in the library api. I have
no desire to repeat work thats already been done.



Dave Potts wrote:


I am trying to build from source and I am getting compiler errors.

Which versions of boost, cgal and gaul should be used to build the
pgrouting software?

My build platform is 64 Ubuntu 12.4, gcc 4.6.3.



pgrouting-dev mailing list


Hi Dave,

Which source did you use?
pgrouting-1.05.tar.gz or git clone master branch ?
I am afraid recent my pull request(https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/pull/61) affect ubuntu build badly.


2012/10/25 Dave Potts <dave.potts@pinan.co.uk>


I am trying to build from source and I am getting compiler errors.

Which versions of boost, cgal and gaul should be used to build the
pgrouting software?

My build platform is 64 Ubuntu 12.4, gcc 4.6.3.


pgrouting-dev mailing list

Hi Dave,

One of the down sides of git is that everyone can clone and branch the repository and without some dedicated to managing a release it is hard to keep up with all the changes. I know I have not had time to keep up with it all. On my server which is old and dated I run boost 1.34, gaul-devel-0.1849-0, and libcgal-dev 3.3.1-4.

Mario Basa had been working on pulling together a lot of the changes and updates targeted toward a 2.0 release, but I believe he go side tracked with other project work. Maybe Mario or Daniel can update us on that effort.

Best regards,

On 10/25/2012 9:29 AM, Dave Potts wrote:


I am trying to add intergrate some code to add support for the K
shortest-path problem to pg route.

There are lots of branches in git archive
https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting.git which version is the most

I am aware that the default versin 1.05 does not appear to compile with
the current support libraries due to changes in the library api. I have
no desire to repeat work thats already been done.



Dave Potts wrote:


I am trying to build from source and I am getting compiler errors.

Which versions of boost, cgal and gaul should be used to build the
pgrouting software?

My build platform is 64 Ubuntu 12.4, gcc 4.6.3.



pgrouting-dev mailing list

Hi Dave,

You’re specifically asking about Ubuntu, right?

GAUL hasn’t changed for ages and is not a problem. If you use Ubuntu you can just install the package I made:

CGAL is steadily upgraded in Ubuntu and there were often changes in paths for example. I had to fix it depending on the Ubuntu release.
You can actually get the pgRouting package source from the repository above with apt-get source and see which dependencies it has. You need to look into debian/control file. It lists all versions as that Ubuntu release requires.

Recently I used the master branch to build the packages, because there was no release for a while.
There were various attempts to get everything cleaned up and working with PostGIS 2.0. But it’s something that needs several days of work without being distracted by other tasks. It might also break backwards compatibility, so it would be then a new major version.


On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 12:25 AM, Ko Nagase (aka sanak) <geosanak@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Dave,

Which source did you use?
pgrouting-1.05.tar.gz or git clone master branch ?
I am afraid recent my pull request(https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/pull/61) affect ubuntu build badly.


2012/10/25 Dave Potts <dave.potts@pinan.co.uk>


I am trying to build from source and I am getting compiler errors.

Which versions of boost, cgal and gaul should be used to build the
pgrouting software?

My build platform is 64 Ubuntu 12.4, gcc 4.6.3.


pgrouting-dev mailing list

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Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
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