[pgrouting-users] address with shapeFile


there is a way to get an address from a shapefile to PostGIS / PostgreSQL?, for example if I have the shapefile from a X city I can get geolocalization for “5 Street # 567”?


Hi, This is a mail list for dealing with post gres routing problems, you need the mail list for dealing with postgis, which is Read up on the command shp2pgsql, this command allows you to import a shp file in to a postgis table. Once you have load your shp file in to a database you can apply a sql query to return the information that you are after.


On 13/08/13 03:00, Valeria Muñoz wrote:


there is a way to get an address from a shapefile to PostGIS / PostgreSQL?, for example if I have the shapefile from a X city I can get geolocalization for “5 Street # 567”?



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