[pgrouting-users] assign_vertex_id error

I just checked the srid field in the geometry_columns. Its -1. I think that is causing the problem? I’m using the dataset of Delhi. It should run on srid=4326. How do I change it to EPSG: 4326 in my geometry column?

Hey Annu,

Something like:

UPDATE table SET the_geom=ST_SetSRID(the_geom, 4326);

Though I sometimes find this troublesome and find it easier just to
create a new column, and then populate it with the data. Something

SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('table_name','new_geom', 4326,'POINT',2);

Then populate it by doing:

UPDATE table_name
SET new_geom = the_geom;

Hope this helps. I'm not an expert at all - somebody else may have a
better solution.


On 12 June 2012 14:55, Annu Anurag <i.skidoosh@gmail.com> wrote:

I just checked the srid field in the geometry_columns. Its -1. I think that
is causing the problem? I'm using the dataset of Delhi. It should run on
srid=4326. How do I change it to EPSG: 4326 in my geometry column?

Pgrouting-users mailing list

select getsrid(the_geom) from xxx_table;

will tell you what the srid id is set to for a geometry column in a table

update xxx_table set the_geom=setsrid(the_geom,4326)

Will set the srid value for a column called the_geom in a table called

You can use qgis to checked your datavalues, just ask it to import a
postgis table and will will draw information.

Annu Anurag wrote:

I just checked the srid field in the geometry_columns. Its -1. I think
is causing the problem? I'm using the dataset of Delhi. It should run on
srid=4326. How do I change it to EPSG: 4326 in my geometry column?
Pgrouting-users mailing list
