[pgrouting-users] assign_vertex_id error

No sir. I just ran the query and it returned the following result.

VSDelhidb=# SELECT count(*) FROM roads_line where the_geom is NULL;

(1 row)

What do I do sir?

You database has 11 entries which do not have a correct geometry column,
I suspect that this may be causing you some problems.

select * from roads_line where the_geom is NULL will list all the problems

delete from roads_line where the_geom is null

will permanently remove these data items from your database.

I can not say that this is the root cause of your problem but I suspect
that its not helping you.

Annu Anurag wrote:

No sir. I just ran the query and it returned the following result.

VSDelhidb=# SELECT count(*) FROM roads_line where the_geom is NULL;
(1 row)

What do I do sir?
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