[pgrouting-users] assign_vertex_id error

But sir, I haven’t specified anywhere that the column would have point values. And the constraint of srid has been dropped. I’ve only followed the tutorial and done these three things.

Created a column called, “source” in roads_line

Created a column called, “target” in roads_line

and tried to run assign_vertex_id.

I haven’t made any explicit mention of the new column to have to contain point data.

I wasn’t able to follow the whole discussion, but you need to make sure that your “geometry column” (often named “the_geom”) contains only valid geometries and that it has a correct SRID (not -1).

Usually you get everything done correctly when you run the PostGIS function “AddGeometryColumn”. So you could create a second geometry column, then update it using the values from your existing geometry. By explicitly specifying the SRID in the update query you shouldn’t get an error.
Then you can use the new geometry column for the assign_vertex_id function.

In case your network data has errors, you need to fix them first. Have you tried to load the network data table in QGIS for example?


On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Annu Anurag <i.skidoosh@gmail.com> wrote:

But sir, I haven’t specified anywhere that the column would have point values. And the constraint of srid has been dropped. I’ve only followed the tutorial and done these three things.

Created a column called, “source” in roads_line

Created a column called, “target” in roads_line

and tried to run assign_vertex_id.

I haven’t made any explicit mention of the new column to have to contain point data.

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