[pgrouting-users] assign_vertex_id()?

Hello All,

I am running postgreSQL 8.3, PostGIS 1.3, and just compiled pgRouting 1.05. (Debian Lenny)

I get an error when trying to run assign_vertex_id()

I created a database and inserted all the sql files and I do not have this function. I know sometimes the documentation lags behind with new versions but I think I may have missed something else.

Thanks All

The function should be part of routing_topology.sql
Have you loaded these functions into your database?
Maybe something went wrong when you compiled pgRouting?


2011/1/3 fruitwerks <fruitwerks@gmail.com>

Hello All,

I am running postgreSQL 8.3, PostGIS 1.3, and just compiled pgRouting 1.05. (Debian Lenny)

I get an error when trying to run assign_vertex_id()

I created a database and inserted all the sql files and I do not have this function. I know sometimes the documentation lags behind with new versions but I think I may have missed something else.

Thanks All

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