[pgrouting-users] Code tidy up?

Hi list

Is there ever going to be a tidy up off the code associated with the demos
of the pgr functions?

In some cases you have to set the cost field to the value length.
In some cases you have to set the primary key to id
Some methods allow you to list the reverse_cost.
For the traveling sales man you have to include a 2nd undocumented table

Please note I am not suggesting a total rewrite off the code, just a tidy
up, a bit of renaming, tidying up the api, better documentation.

Something like a common interface



It might also help if we had a standard network for testing purpose and a
list of expected results.

Currently I find it very hard to program up a solution for pgr_route
without knowning what the correct results should be. If I had a test
database, it would make life easier.

Having test data might cut down on the number of questions that are being
asked on the list.


Hi Dave,

These are all items on the we need to do this list and most of them have tickets open. Daniel and I are buried in project work and our developer Anton, has moved on to other stuff. So we are looking for a developer or someone that is interested in working with us to tackle any of these tasks.

I understand you frustration, in the past I wrote my own set of standard wrapper functions because the existing one was somewhat random. I had planned to generalize them and contribute them, but I never got the time to do that.

We definitely need a test suit. The chaos that we current have with shooting star is the result of not having one. Things got released without any formal testing.

I don't know if you have had a chance to look at git/github but if you are working on any of these pieces, it would be nice if you cloned the pgrouting repository and checked all you changes into that clone, then it would be easy for us to pull and merge your changes int he future.

If you want to discuss changes before you make them, I would suggest moving the discussion over to the dev list and I will help you out there. I hope to have time in march to pull some of these isues together.

Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions, I fully support them.

Best regards,

On 2/16/2012 2:55 AM, Dave Potts wrote:

Hi list

Is there ever going to be a tidy up off the code associated with the demos
of the pgr functions?

In some cases you have to set the cost field to the value length.
In some cases you have to set the primary key to id
Some methods allow you to list the reverse_cost.
For the traveling sales man you have to include a 2nd undocumented table

Please note I am not suggesting a total rewrite off the code, just a tidy
up, a bit of renaming, tidying up the api, better documentation.

Something like a common interface



It might also help if we had a standard network for testing purpose and a
list of expected results.

Currently I find it very hard to program up a solution for pgr_route
without knowning what the correct results should be. If I had a test
database, it would make life easier.

Having test data might cut down on the number of questions that are being
asked on the list.
