[pgrouting-users] Delta Value

Hi everyone,

I am wondering about the delta value for the astar wrapper function. (astar_sp_delta_cc_directed)
I guess this is the distance in SRID units. i.e. 900913 = meters.

Is the delta value for the start and end point or for every vertex when it moves forward ?

If any other explanation is required please explain.

Warms regards,


2011/4/27 Ricardo Bayley <ricardo.bayley@gmail.com>

Hi everyone,

I am wondering about the delta value for the astar wrapper function. (astar_sp_delta_cc_directed)
I guess this is the distance in SRID units. i.e. 900913 = meters.

It’s in the unit of your data, yes.

Is the delta value for the start and end point or for every vertex when it moves forward ?

Not to select the whole network data for a routing query the idea is to clip the area within a bounding box. The bounding box is defined by start and end point, but sometimes you want to add an additional buffer. This additional buffer around the bounding box is set with “delta”.

Hope that was understandable,


If any other explanation is required please explain.

Warms regards,


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