[pgrouting-users] directed and has_reverse_cost parameters


I was playing aroung with pgRouting 1.0.3 with this example (http://www.davidgis.fr/documentation/pgrouting-1.02/). I used the dijkstra_sp_directed() function as stated in the example and everything worked like it was supposed to.

But, I tried changing the has_reverse_cost to false in the same function. I got no result back. I also tried with astar_directed, and still no results. As far as I understand, if the directed parameter is set to true and the has_reverse_cost is false, it means that reverse direction is prohibited and if has_reverse_cost is true, the reverse cost is used.

So, how come I get no result when I set has_reverse_cost to false while directed is true?

THanks in advance,

I'm not sure as I do not use those settings this way. Still my 2 cents:
Maybe your departure point is the node id of the end of road (not its
start) in a cul-de-sac? Try other departure and arrival points.

El lun, 27-06-2011 a las 16:31 -0400, Maxime Phaneuf escribió:


I was playing aroung with pgRouting 1.0.3 with this example
(http://www.davidgis.fr/documentation/pgrouting-1.02/). I used the
dijkstra_sp_directed() function as stated in the example and
everything worked like it was supposed to.

But, I tried changing the has_reverse_cost to false in the same
function. I got no result back. I also tried with astar_directed, and
still no results. As far as I understand, if the directed parameter is
set to true and the has_reverse_cost is false, it means that reverse
direction is prohibited and if has_reverse_cost is true, the reverse
cost is used.

So, how come I get no result when I set has_reverse_cost to false
while directed is true?

THanks in advance,

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