[pgrouting-users] Error whith

Hi everybody.
After compiling pgrouting whith success, i begin my fist test whith the shortest_path() function. My data come from open street map. I’ve insert it in my database whith ./osm2pgrouting.

But a get an error when i execute this request:

SELECT * FROM shortest_path(‘SELECT gid as id,source::integer,target::integer,length::double precision as cost FROM ways’,965,14, false, false);

ERROR: Start vertex was not found.

Do you know where is the problem ?

Thanks !

On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 11:50 PM, Jules Kouadio <sekedoua@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi everybody.
After compiling pgrouting whith success, i begin my fist test whith the shortest_path() function. My data come from open street map. I’ve insert it in my database whith ./osm2pgrouting.

But a get an error when i execute this request:

SELECT * FROM shortest_path(‘SELECT gid as id,source::integer,target::integer,length::double precision as cost FROM ways’,965,14, false, false);

ERROR: Start vertex was not found.

Do you know where is the problem ?

Start vertex was not found … that’s the problem. You need to have “965” and “14” in “source” and “target”. Maybe you took the road link id (gid).


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