[pgrouting-users] Find vertices away from a specified distance

Hi All,

I am experimenting with Chicago runner’s GPS traces(collected from Runkeeper.com). I like to know if the following problem can be solved using pgRouting.

I have created a graph using pgr_nodeNetwork and pgr_createTopology. Given a longitude, latitude point I know to find the vertices closer to that but I want to know if given a longitude, latitude point can I find the vertices away from a specified distance. Distance here means the lineStrings length in meters.

For example I have a longitude/latitude and want to know all the vertices 500meters away from the given longitude/latitude point. Are there functions available in pgRouting to infer such vertices?

Thanks and Regards,
Raghavan KL


You can do this with the Driving Distance functions. Also, have a look at the SQL here https://github.com/iant1212/networkReach and here https://github.com/GregersP/networkReach. These are examples of returning all edges for a given distance from a node, you could modify these slightly to return your vertices, and use your lat/lon to find the closest vertex to start from.



On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 1:31 AM, Raghavan Krishnasamylakshmanaperumal <rkrish20@uic.edu> wrote:

Hi All,

I am experimenting with Chicago runner’s GPS traces(collected from Runkeeper.com). I like to know if the following problem can be solved using pgRouting.

I have created a graph using pgr_nodeNetwork and pgr_createTopology. Given a longitude, latitude point I know to find the vertices closer to that but I want to know if given a longitude, latitude point can I find the vertices away from a specified distance. Distance here means the lineStrings length in meters.

For example I have a longitude/latitude and want to know all the vertices 500meters away from the given longitude/latitude point. Are there functions available in pgRouting to infer such vertices?

Thanks and Regards,
Raghavan KL

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