[pgrouting-users] Foss4g Barcelona

Hi pgRouting users and developers,

As probably most of you know already, there will be the conference of the conferences in less than a month: FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona.

I would be quite interested in how many pgRouting developers and users will attend the conference.
There will be a pgRouting workshop (the workshop that was booked up fastest btw.) and also quite a lot of presentations mentioning pgRouting. I was very surprised.

I think it would be nice if people interested in pgRouting could get together to share ideas and complains, or just to get to know each other.
As Milo is entitled to get a free beer anyway as the fastest voter, a pub or restaurant might be a good meeting place. Anyone else interested?


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

Unfortunately, I will be absent. Our new baby is due somewhere near or at FOSS4G and my wife would kill me if I would not be puffin’ and huffin’ with her when the moment is there. It hurts that I have to miss so many great presentations and BOF’s, but this is the one and only legit reason for me to skip. Luckily I can add this missed opportunities budget to next year and be able to fly cross the globe for FOSS4G 2011.

I will however try to be present online as much as possible during FOSS4G 2010 because I want to miss as little as possible!

Kind regards,

2010/8/7 Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de>

Hi pgRouting users and developers,

As probably most of you know already, there will be the conference of the conferences in less than a month: FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona.

I would be quite interested in how many pgRouting developers and users will attend the conference.
There will be a pgRouting workshop (the workshop that was booked up fastest btw.) and also quite a lot of presentations mentioning pgRouting. I was very surprised.

I think it would be nice if people interested in pgRouting could get together to share ideas and complains, or just to get to know each other.
As Milo is entitled to get a free beer anyway as the fastest voter, a pub or restaurant might be a good meeting place. Anyone else interested?


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Milo van der Linden
Open Source Geospatial consultant

dogodigi - Geospatial solutions
Beukenlaan 2
5261LE Vught
T. +31616598808

I realize that pgrouting is a postgis only solution; however, is there a
plan to port it to other data formats such as spatlite, ESRI, or even KML ?
and if such a way exists, how does it work?

Second, will you guys be doing an updated tutorial?

On Sat, 7 Aug 2010 20:30:28 +0900, Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de>

Hi pgRouting users and developers,

As probably most of you know already, there will be the conference of the
conferences in less than a month: FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona.

I would be quite interested in how many pgRouting developers and users


attend the conference.
There will be a pgRouting workshop (the workshop that was booked up


btw.) and also quite a lot of presentations mentioning pgRouting. I was

I think it would be nice if people interested in pgRouting could get
together to share ideas and complains, or just to get to know each other.
As Milo is entitled to get a free beer anyway as the fastest voter, a pub
restaurant might be a good meeting place. Anyone else interested?


2010/8/8 <ahmed@elegantdesigns.ca>

I realize that pgrouting is a postgis only solution; however, is there a
plan to port it to other data formats such as spatlite, ESRI, or even KML ?
and if such a way exists, how does it work?

Spatialite has some shortest path function as far as I know.
KML is a data format and ESRI a company name.

Well, some time ago Anton had the idea to make something independent from PostgeSQL/PostGIS.

Second, will you guys be doing an updated tutorial?

Yes, it will be also available on the OSGeo LiveDVD.


On Sat, 7 Aug 2010 20:30:28 +0900, Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de>

Hi pgRouting users and developers,

As probably most of you know already, there will be the conference of the
conferences in less than a month: FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona.

I would be quite interested in how many pgRouting developers and users
attend the conference.
There will be a pgRouting workshop (the workshop that was booked up
btw.) and also quite a lot of presentations mentioning pgRouting. I was

I think it would be nice if people interested in pgRouting could get
together to share ideas and complains, or just to get to know each other.
As Milo is entitled to get a free beer anyway as the fastest voter, a pub
restaurant might be a good meeting place. Anyone else interested?


Hi pgRouting users and developers,

If you have missed the previous email (it’s summer vacation time, I know), it’s not too late to say “hello”.

For a face-to-face meeting at FOSS4G there are several options:

Any preferences or better ideas?

In the meanwhile the conference program is public and there are quite a view presentations mentioning pgRouting:

Hope to see many of you in Barcelona,


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

2010/8/7 Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de>

Hi pgRouting users and developers,

As probably most of you know already, there will be the conference of the conferences in less than a month: FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona.

I would be quite interested in how many pgRouting developers and users will attend the conference.
There will be a pgRouting workshop (the workshop that was booked up fastest btw.) and also quite a lot of presentations mentioning pgRouting. I was very surprised.

I think it would be nice if people interested in pgRouting could get together to share ideas and complains, or just to get to know each other.
As Milo is entitled to get a free beer anyway as the fastest voter, a pub or restaurant might be a good meeting place. Anyone else interested?


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de