[pgrouting-users] Function to result routes/costs from single_origin to multi-destinations

While applying the following tutorial: http://anitagraser.com/2011/02/09/creating-catchment-areas-with-pgrouting-and-qgis/ utilizing vector network which has been tested (and demonstrated functionality) for shortest path application, it returned the following message:

Query returned successfully: 1013 rows affected, 199 ms execution time

but returned no table as output!

The code I used is:

create table catchment_1 as select id, the_geom, (select sum(cost) from ( SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra( ‘SELECT id, source, target, st_length(geom) as cost FROM schema.cvl’, 1, 320, false, false )) as foo ) as cost from schema.cvl_vertices_pgr

I also tried passing “id” to the function instead of “320” as per the tutorial but got the following msg:

ERROR: function pgr_dijkstra(unknown, integer, bigint, boolean, boolean) does not exist SQL state: 42883

Although, pgr_dijkstra is working well with other codes… so, it’s one of the recognized functions in my installed pgRouting layer

I’m using QGIS 2.0.1 and pgRouting pg93-binaries-2.4.0

In order to gradually test the code, I started by the inner SELECT then went up step by step… I got result table for each step until I reached the highest SELECT in the structure… I got a table showing the cost for each point_id. the special result is a point feature… but what drew my attention in the result table is that all costs are exactly the same ‘32430.028’ whereas the points are non-regularly distributed… This means that I just needed to remove ‘create table catchment_1 as’ to get a result table, but still the cost values do not seem to make sense.

LAST COMMENT… If you know another code/method that helps in multi-routing from one point to list of targets to result routes and costs from single-origin (source) to multi-destinations (targets), please provide guidance… origins and destinations are in a single points feature (i.e. cvl_vertices_pgr), whereas routes calculation shall take place in lines feature (i.e. cvl).

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 3:42 AM, AUS - Eyad <b00038807@aus.edu> wrote:

While applying the following tutorial:
utilizing vector network which has been tested (and demonstrated
functionality) for shortest path application, it returned the following


I think the tutorial was written before pgRouting 2.0 was released.
It may require some changes.

LAST COMMENT.. If you know another code/method that helps in
multi-routing from one point to list of targets to result routes and costs
from single-origin (source) to multi-destinations (targets), please provide
guidance.. origins and destinations are in a single points feature (i.e.
cvl_vertices_pgr), whereas routes calculation shall take place in lines
feature (i.e. cvl).

If you need 1 -> n shortest path queries, then you could try pgr_kDijkstra:

Best regards,

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.info

Thank you Daniel, and All…

I rephrased the code and adjusted it accordingly:





‘SELECT id, source, target, st_length(geom) as cost FROM schema.cvl’,

1, array[98, 100, 220, 320, 650], false, false

)) as cost

from schema.cvl_vertices_pgr WHERE id=1

Here I could calculate the costs of different destinations from the source_point#1, but I still seek advices, as follows:

  1. Is there a way to automatically insert all the destination/target points in the array? I tried ‘SELECT id FROM schema.cvl_vertices_pgr’, but didn’t work!

  2. I transferred the vector and points features from AutoCAD. How can I control the units (i.e. I used meters in CAD but it seems to be millimeters here – e.g. Cost to point#98 = 112959.0)

  3. I tried the same contents of the function on “pgr_kdijkstraPath” but it didn’t work! What could be the problem?



From: pgrouting-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:pgrouting-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Kastl
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 4:11 AM
To: pgRouting users mailing list
Subject: Re: [pgrouting-users] Function to result routes/costs from single_origin to multi-destinations

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 3:42 AM, AUS - Eyad <b00038807@aus.edu> wrote:

While applying the following tutorial: http://anitagraser.com/2011/02/09/creating-catchment-areas-with-pgrouting-and-qgis/ utilizing vector network which has been tested (and demonstrated functionality) for shortest path application, it returned the following message:


I think the tutorial was written before pgRouting 2.0 was released.

It may require some changes.

LAST COMMENT… If you know another code/method that helps in multi-routing from one point to list of targets to result routes and costs from single-origin (source) to multi-destinations (targets), please provide guidance… origins and destinations are in a single points feature (i.e. cvl_vertices_pgr), whereas routes calculation shall take place in lines feature (i.e. cvl).

If you need 1 → n shortest path queries, then you could try pgr_kDijkstra:


Best regards,


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.info

Original Message:

While applying the following tutorial: http://anitagraser.com/2011/02/09/creating-catchment-areas-with-pgrouting-and-qgis/ utilizing vector network which has been tested (and demonstrated functionality) for shortest path application, it returned the following message:

Query returned successfully: 1013 rows affected, 199 ms execution time

but returned no table as output!

The code I used is:

create table catchment_1 as select id, the_geom, (select sum(cost) from ( SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra( ‘SELECT id, source, target, st_length(geom) as cost FROM schema.cvl’, 1, 320, false, false )) as foo ) as cost from schema.cvl_vertices_pgr

I also tried passing “id” to the function instead of “320” as per the tutorial but got the following msg:

ERROR: function pgr_dijkstra(unknown, integer, bigint, boolean, boolean) does not exist SQL state: 42883

Although, pgr_dijkstra is working well with other codes… so, it’s one of the recognized functions in my installed pgRouting layer

I’m using QGIS 2.0.1 and pgRouting pg93-binaries-2.4.0

In order to gradually test the code, I started by the inner SELECT then went up step by step… I got result table for each step until I reached the highest SELECT in the structure… I got a table showing the cost for each point_id. the special result is a point feature… but what drew my attention in the result table is that all costs are exactly the same ‘32430.028’ whereas the points are non-regularly distributed… This means that I just needed to remove ‘create table catchment_1 as’ to get a result table, but still the cost values do not seem to make sense.

LAST COMMENT… If you know another code/method that helps in multi-routing from one point to list of targets to result routes and costs from single-origin (source) to multi-destinations (targets), please provide guidance… origins and destinations are in a single points feature (i.e. cvl_vertices_pgr), whereas routes calculation shall take place in lines feature (i.e. cvl).

On 11/15/2014 3:12 AM, AUS - Eyad wrote:

Thank you Daniel, and All..

I rephrased the code and adjusted it accordingly:





     'SELECT id, source, target, st_length(geom) as cost FROM schema.cvl',

     1, array[98, 100, 220, 320, 650], false, false

   )) as cost

from schema.cvl_vertices_pgr WHERE id=1

Here I could calculate the costs of different destinations from the
source_point#1, but I still seek advices, as follows:

1)Is there a way to automatically insert all the destination/target
points in the array? I tried ‘SELECT id FROM schema.cvl_vertices_pgr’,
but didn’t work!

select array_agg(id) from schema.cvl_vertices_pgr

2)I transferred the vector and points features from AutoCAD. How can I
control the units (i.e. I used meters in CAD but it seems to be
millimeters here – e.g. Cost to point#98 = 112959.0)

Don't know how you transferred them so I can not say, but you can also use st_length(geom) * factor to scale your data.

3)I tried the same contents of the function on “pgr_kdijkstraPath” but
it didn’t work! What could be the problem?

Not enough information and too many variables to give help.

What was your query?
what was the results?
Why do you think it did not work?
Have you read the 2.0 documentation?
Have you found the pgrouting 2.0 workshop and tutorials and worked through them?




[mailto:pgrouting-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf Of *Daniel Kastl
*Sent:* Monday, November 10, 2014 4:11 AM
*To:* pgRouting users mailing list
*Subject:* Re: [pgrouting-users] Function to result routes/costs from
single_origin to multi-destinations

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 3:42 AM, AUS - Eyad <b00038807@aus.edu
<mailto:b00038807@aus.edu>> wrote:

While applying the following tutorial:
utilizing vector network which has been tested (and demonstrated
functionality) for shortest path application, it returned the following


I think the tutorial was written before pgRouting 2.0 was released.

It may require some changes.

    LAST COMMENT.. If you know another code/method that helps in
    multi-routing from one point to list of targets to result routes and
    costs from single-origin (source) to multi-destinations (targets),
    please provide guidance.. origins and destinations are in a single
    points feature (i.e. cvl_vertices_pgr), whereas routes calculation
    shall take place in lines feature (i.e. cvl).

If you need 1 -> n shortest path queries, then you could try pgr_kDijkstra:


Best regards,



Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de <mailto:daniel.kastl@georepublic.de>
Web: http://georepublic.info

*_Original Message:_*

While applying the following tutorial:
utilizing vector network which has been tested (and demonstrated
functionality) for shortest path application, it returned the following

Query returned successfully: 1013 rows affected, 199 ms execution time

but returned no table as output!

The code I used is:

create table catchment_1 as select id, the_geom, (select sum(cost) from
( SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra( 'SELECT id, source, target,
st_length(geom) as cost FROM schema.cvl', 1, 320, false, false )) as foo
) as cost from schema.cvl_vertices_pgr

I also tried passing "id" to the function instead of "320" as per the
tutorial but got the following msg:

ERROR: function pgr_dijkstra(unknown, integer, bigint, boolean, boolean)
does not exist SQL state: 42883

Although, pgr_dijkstra is working well with other codes.. so, it's one
of the recognized functions in my installed pgRouting layer

I'm using QGIS 2.0.1 and pgRouting pg93-binaries-2.4.0

In order to gradually test the code, I started by the inner SELECT then
went up step by step.. I got result table for each step until I reached
the highest SELECT in the structure.. I got a table showing the cost for
each point_id. the special result is a point feature.. but what drew my
attention in the result table is that all costs are exactly the same
'32430.028' whereas the points are non-regularly distributed.. This
means that I just needed to remove 'create table catchment_1 as' to get
a result table, but still the cost values do not seem to make sense.

LAST COMMENT.. If you know another code/method that helps in
multi-routing from one point to list of targets to result routes and
costs from single-origin (source) to multi-destinations (targets),
please provide guidance.. origins and destinations are in a single
points feature (i.e. cvl_vertices_pgr), whereas routes calculation shall
take place in lines feature (i.e. cvl).

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Thank you Steve.. very helpful advices

I applied both first and second recommendations successfully.. only concern
is that I can't utilize the points from my points' feature
"cvl_vertices_pgr"; it works only when I utilize the points from my vectors'
feature "cvl". Anybody has expert's recommendation for that? I'm actually
planning to utilize 3 different features within "pgr_kdijkstraCost"
function, as follows:

1) Points feature representing "source" points
2) Points feature representing "target" points
3) Multi_lines feature representing the routing network
Please advise recommended way/clue for efficient performance

The third question "pgr_kdijkstraPath" is ok now.. code worked well.. I
guess it was a software's issue!



-----Original Message-----
From: pgrouting-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:pgrouting-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Stephen
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:23 PM
To: pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [pgrouting-users] Function to result routes/costs from
single_origin to multi-destinations

On 11/15/2014 3:12 AM, AUS - Eyad wrote:

Thank you Daniel, and All..

I rephrased the code and adjusted it accordingly:

     'SELECT id, source, target, st_length(geom) as cost FROM schema.cvl',
     1, array[98, 100, 220, 320, 650], false, false
   )) as cost
from schema.cvl_vertices_pgr WHERE id=1

Here I could calculate the costs of different destinations from the
source_point#1, but I still seek advices, as follows:

1)Is there a way to automatically insert all the destination/target
points in the array? I tried 'SELECT id FROM schema.cvl_vertices_pgr',
but didn't work!

select array_agg(id) from schema.cvl_vertices_pgr

2)I transferred the vector and points features from AutoCAD. How can I
control the units (i.e. I used meters in CAD but it seems to be
millimeters here - e.g. Cost to point#98 = 112959.0)

Don't know how you transferred them so I can not say, but you can also
use st_length(geom) * factor to scale your data.

3)I tried the same contents of the function on "pgr_kdijkstraPath" but
it didn't work! What could be the problem?

Not enough information and too many variables to give help.

What was your query?
what was the results?
Why do you think it did not work?
Have you read the 2.0 documentation?
Have you found the pgrouting 2.0 workshop and tutorials and worked
through them?




[mailto:pgrouting-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf Of *Daniel


*Sent:* Monday, November 10, 2014 4:11 AM
*To:* pgRouting users mailing list
*Subject:* Re: [pgrouting-users] Function to result routes/costs from
single_origin to multi-destinations

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 3:42 AM, AUS - Eyad <b00038807@aus.edu
<mailto:b00038807@aus.edu>> wrote:

While applying the following tutorial:


utilizing vector network which has been tested (and demonstrated
functionality) for shortest path application, it returned the following


I think the tutorial was written before pgRouting 2.0 was released.

It may require some changes.

    LAST COMMENT.. If you know another code/method that helps in
    multi-routing from one point to list of targets to result routes and
    costs from single-origin (source) to multi-destinations (targets),
    please provide guidance.. origins and destinations are in a single
    points feature (i.e. cvl_vertices_pgr), whereas routes calculation
    shall take place in lines feature (i.e. cvl).

If you need 1 -> n shortest path queries, then you could try



Best regards,



Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de <mailto:daniel.kastl@georepublic.de>
Web: http://georepublic.info

*_Original Message:_*

While applying the following tutorial:


utilizing vector network which has been tested (and demonstrated
functionality) for shortest path application, it returned the following

Query returned successfully: 1013 rows affected, 199 ms execution time

but returned no table as output!

The code I used is:

create table catchment_1 as select id, the_geom, (select sum(cost) from
( SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra( 'SELECT id, source, target,
st_length(geom) as cost FROM schema.cvl', 1, 320, false, false )) as foo
) as cost from schema.cvl_vertices_pgr

I also tried passing "id" to the function instead of "320" as per the
tutorial but got the following msg:

ERROR: function pgr_dijkstra(unknown, integer, bigint, boolean, boolean)
does not exist SQL state: 42883

Although, pgr_dijkstra is working well with other codes.. so, it's one
of the recognized functions in my installed pgRouting layer

I'm using QGIS 2.0.1 and pgRouting pg93-binaries-2.4.0

In order to gradually test the code, I started by the inner SELECT then
went up step by step.. I got result table for each step until I reached
the highest SELECT in the structure.. I got a table showing the cost for
each point_id. the special result is a point feature.. but what drew my
attention in the result table is that all costs are exactly the same
'32430.028' whereas the points are non-regularly distributed.. This
means that I just needed to remove 'create table catchment_1 as' to get
a result table, but still the cost values do not seem to make sense.

LAST COMMENT.. If you know another code/method that helps in
multi-routing from one point to list of targets to result routes and
costs from single-origin (source) to multi-destinations (targets),
please provide guidance.. origins and destinations are in a single
points feature (i.e. cvl_vertices_pgr), whereas routes calculation shall
take place in lines feature (i.e. cvl).

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list