[pgrouting-users] FW: postgis error message

Hi all

I’m trying to install pgRouting on a cluster running CentOS-5. So far, the proj4 and geos have been compiled properly but the installation of postgis-1.3.3 produces the error messages that you can see attached.

Could it be the version of gcc and c++ (4.1.2)?



postgis133_logfilemake.log (15.6 KB)

Hi Christina,

As you said, you get this error when you install PostGIS, so it would be better to ask the PostGIS mailing list.

Do you have to use such an old release of PostGIS?
You could use the ELGIS repository, which provides PostGIS and pgRouting packages for CentOS 5:

This would be a lot easier to install.


On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Mitsakou, Christina <christina.mitsakou@kcl.ac.uk> wrote:

Hi all

I’m trying to install pgRouting on a cluster running CentOS-5. So far, the proj4 and geos have been compiled properly but the installation of postgis-1.3.3 produces the error messages that you can see attached.

Could it be the version of gcc and c++ (4.1.2)?



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