[pgrouting-users] "invalid memory alloc request size" on large graphs


I'm trying to use pgRouting on a quite large graph (about 40M edges). My graph structure is expected to be quite simple and not very connected (being mostly a simple tree structure).

I came across the discussion on speeding up `pgr_createTopology` for large networks (https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/discussions/2255#discussioncomment-4739376) and am trying to put it in practice for my use case. Moving from `pgr_createTopology` to `pgr_extractVertices` gives a huge increase in processing time and memory requirements.

However, when trying to run `pgr_*` (`pgr_dijkstra`, `pgr_contraction` or `pgr_connectedComponents` for example) on the subsequent graph, I am facing a malloc issue : invalid memory alloc request size 1080000000.

This is easily worked around with `pgr_dijkstra` since routing is mainly local and the edges table can easily be filtered with a bounding box. This is not as easy for `pgr_contraction` or `pgr_connectedComponents` where tiling the computation (through bbox) requires some extra post-processing.

I'm not sure about the units of the `malloc` error message, but it seems to me this is about 1GB allocation which should be no issue on the machine and setup I am running. For the record, my postgresql is having either a basic configuration (out of the box install) or a pgtune-d one, same issue in both cases. My machine has a bit more than 10GB of free RAM.

Would anyone have more insights on this issue which could help me better understand and work around it? This is particularly frustrating since computations on a quarter of the table (about 10M edges) work perfectly fine and in a very reasonable amount of time.

Thank you in advance,

pgr_connectedComponents for example) on the subsequent graph,
I am facing a malloc issue : invalid memory alloc request size 1080000000.
My machine has a bit more than 10GB of free RAM.


1.) set the highest “work_mem” for the session and close all other running programs …

SET work_mem = ‘8GB’;

SELECT pgr_createTopology( … )

– set back for the default value;
SET work_mem = ‘1GB’;

2.) Linux: Enable Swap space ( ~ 20GB or 2x of your RAM )

3.) optimize table variables storage spaces ( to less space )

  • change your bigint variables to integer
    for (about 40M edges) an integer [ -2147483648 to +2147483647 ] should enought



Phyks <phyks+pgrouting@phyks.me> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. jan. 21., Szo, 14:06):


I’m trying to use pgRouting on a quite large graph (about 40M edges). My
graph structure is expected to be quite simple and not very connected
(being mostly a simple tree structure).

I came across the discussion on speeding up pgr_createTopology for
large networks
and am trying to put it in practice for my use case. Moving from
pgr_createTopology to pgr_extractVertices gives a huge increase in
processing time and memory requirements.

However, when trying to run pgr_* (pgr_dijkstra, pgr_contraction
or pgr_connectedComponents for example) on the subsequent graph, I am
facing a malloc issue : invalid memory alloc request size 1080000000.

This is easily worked around with pgr_dijkstra since routing is mainly
local and the edges table can easily be filtered with a bounding box.
This is not as easy for pgr_contraction or pgr_connectedComponents
where tiling the computation (through bbox) requires some extra

I’m not sure about the units of the malloc error message, but it seems
to me this is about 1GB allocation which should be no issue on the
machine and setup I am running. For the record, my postgresql is having
either a basic configuration (out of the box install) or a pgtune-d one,
same issue in both cases. My machine has a bit more than 10GB of free RAM.

Would anyone have more insights on this issue which could help me better
understand and work around it? This is particularly frustrating since
computations on a quarter of the table (about 10M edges) work perfectly
fine and in a very reasonable amount of time.

Thank you in advance,

Pgrouting-users mailing list


1.) set the highest "work_mem" for the session and close all other running
programs ..

SET work_mem = '8GB';
SELECT pgr_createTopology( ... )
-- set back for the default value;
SET work_mem = '1GB';

Same issue :

=# SET work_mem = '8GB';
=# (SELECT component, node FROM pgr_connectedComponents(
         'SELECT id, source, target, cost, cost AS reverse_cost FROM edges'
ERREUR: invalid memory alloc request size 1080000000
CONTEXTE : fonction SQL « pgr_connectedcomponents », instruction 1

2.) Linux: Enable Swap space ( ~ 20GB or 2x of your RAM )

3.) optimize table variables storage spaces ( to less space )
     - change your bigint variables to integer
     for (about 40M edges) an integer [ -2147483648 to +2147483647 ]
should enought

As far as I understand, `pgr_connectedComponents` as run in the example above should only query the `edges` table. I already have `source` and `target` set as regular `integer` there.

I have the impression the malloc is failing for another reason that OOM:
1/ Malloc size should be about 1GB as per the error message. This is far less than my free RAM and seems to be a fixed buffer size somewhere.
2/ I have only 2GB RAM used on my system (hence 10GB free RAM) and do not see any increase of RAM usage between the start of the `pgr_connectedComponents` query and the error output.

For these reasons, I do not expect swap / RAM changes to have any effect here, but instead a configuration option in PostgreSQL / pgRouting to allow allocations of more than 1GB?

It seems I'm hitting https://postgrespro.com/list/thread-id/1549721 which references https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/291 but I don't see much solutions there apart from using bounding boxes (which is easily done for routing, much less for contraction / connected components analysis).


Phyks <phyks+pgrouting@phyks.me> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. jan. 21., Szo,


I'm trying to use pgRouting on a quite large graph (about 40M edges). My
graph structure is expected to be quite simple and not very connected
(being mostly a simple tree structure).

I came across the discussion on speeding up `pgr_createTopology` for
large networks

and am trying to put it in practice for my use case. Moving from
`pgr_createTopology` to `pgr_extractVertices` gives a huge increase in
processing time and memory requirements.

However, when trying to run `pgr_*` (`pgr_dijkstra`, `pgr_contraction`
or `pgr_connectedComponents` for example) on the subsequent graph, I am
facing a malloc issue : invalid memory alloc request size 1080000000.

This is easily worked around with `pgr_dijkstra` since routing is mainly
local and the edges table can easily be filtered with a bounding box.
This is not as easy for `pgr_contraction` or `pgr_connectedComponents`
where tiling the computation (through bbox) requires some extra

I'm not sure about the units of the `malloc` error message, but it seems
to me this is about 1GB allocation which should be no issue on the
machine and setup I am running. For the record, my postgresql is having
either a basic configuration (out of the box install) or a pgtune-d one,
same issue in both cases. My machine has a bit more than 10GB of free RAM.

Would anyone have more insights on this issue which could help me better
understand and work around it? This is particularly frustrating since
computations on a quarter of the table (about 10M edges) work perfectly
fine and in a very reasonable amount of time.

Thank you in advance,
Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list

I think 1GB is a hard limit in PostgreSQL .

See for example this note


and discussed here - https://postgrespro.com/list/thread-id/1549721

Instead of using pgr_createTopology, have you tried using pgr_extractVertices which will eventually replace pgr_createTopology? https://docs.pgrouting.org/latest/en/pgr_extractVertices.html

That said I think internally (the pgRouting project) we'll need to rethink how we implement some functions like (pgr_components) to avoid these issues.

In meantime, I think your best bet is to segmentize your data into groups and reconnect them by overlapping node ids.

For this I'm using this function for breaking apart https://postgis.net/docs/ST_SquareGrid.html
(alternatively - https://postgis.net/docs/ST_HexagonGrid.html ) or
(if you have areas - https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Subdivide.html --

Or some sort of known boundaries like country, city, states, provinces etc.

-- I'm going to assume your data is in 4326 (you'll need to change size if it's in another special ref)
I haven't thoroughly tested this so might need changing and you will need to change to accommodate your field names. Note the 2 in the ST_SquareGrid is 2 degrees.

DO language plpgsql $do$
DECLARE var_sql text; i integer; r record; last_component bigint;
    -- create table of divisions that breaks into square grid regions
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_divisions;
    CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_divisions AS
    SELECT row_number() OVER(ORDER BY sg.i, sg.j) AS rn, sg.geom
    FROM ST_SquareGrid(2, (SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_Extent(the_geom), 4326) FROM edges) ) AS sg
    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM edges WHERE edges.the_geom && sg.geom) ;
    i = 0; last_component = 0;
    -- create subtables which will hold components of each sub region and will set components of overlapping nodes to the component with lowest number
    FOR r IN(SELECT rn, geom FROM tmp_divisions ORDER BY rn) LOOP
        i = i + 1;
        var_sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_connectedComponents_' || r.rn::text || '; CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_connectedComponents_' || r.rn::text || ' AS
    SELECT (component + ' || last_component::text || ') AS component, node, NULL::bigint AS new_component FROM pgr_connectedComponents( ' ||
            quote_literal('SELECT id, source, target, cost, cost AS reverse_cost FROM edges
            WHERE ST_Intersects(the_geom,' || quote_literal(r.geom::text) || '::geometry' || ') ' ) || ')';
        RAISE NOTICE '%', var_sql;
        EXECUTE var_sql;
        var_sql = 'ALTER TABLE tmp_connectedComponents_' || r.rn::text || ' ADD CONSTRAINT pk_tmp_connectedComponents_' || r.rn::text || ' PRIMARY KEY(node);';
        EXECUTE var_sql;
        var_sql = 'CREATE INDEX ix_tmp_connectedComponents_' || r.rn::text || '_component ON tmp_connectedComponents_' || r.rn::text || '(component);';
        EXECUTE var_sql;
        RAISE NOTICE '%', var_sql;
        EXECUTE 'SELECT MAX(component) FROM tmp_connectedComponents_' || r.rn::text INTO last_component;
        IF i > 1 THEN
            var_sql = 'UPDATE tmp_connectedComponents_' || r.rn::text || ' AS c
                SET new_component = COALESCE(p.new_component, p.component)
                FROM tmp_connectedComponents_' || (i - 1) || ' AS p WHERE c.node = p.node;';
            RAISE NOTICE '%', var_sql;
            EXECUTE var_sql;
            var_sql = 'UPDATE tmp_connectedComponents_' || r.rn::text || ' AS c
                SET new_component = pp.new_component
         FROM (SELECT min(COALESCE(p.new_component, p.component)) AS new_component, component
                FROM tmp_connectedComponents_' || r.rn::text || ' AS p GROUP BY component) AS pp
                WHERE c.new_component IS NULL AND pp.component = c.component;';
            RAISE NOTICE '%', var_sql;
            EXECUTE var_sql;
        END IF;
    -- after we are all done, we consolidate all into a singled final_connectedComponents table
    -- and insure a node is represented only once.
    IF i > 0 THEN
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS final_connectedComponents;
        var_sql = 'CREATE TABLE final_connectedComponents AS ' ||
                string_agg('SELECT new_component AS component, component AS old_component, node
                             FROM tmp_connectedComponents_' || gi::text, ' UNION ') FROM generate_series(1, i) AS gi;
        RAISE NOTICE '%' , var_sql;
        EXECUTE var_sql;
        var_sql = 'UPDATE final_connectedComponents SET component = old_component
            WHERE component IS NULL AND
                old_component IN(SELECT o.component FROM final_connectedComponents AS o WHERE o.component IS NOT NULL)';
        RAISE NOTICE '%', var_sql;
        EXECUTE var_sql;
         -- delete dupes keeping the one that already has a component assigned
        var_sql = 'DELETE FROM final_connectedComponents WHERE component IS NULL
            AND node IN(SELECT o.node FROM final_connectedComponents AS o WHERE o.component IS NOT NULL)';
        RAISE NOTICE '%, %', var_sql, clock_timestamp();
        EXECUTE var_sql;
        -- fill in still missing components
        var_sql = 'UPDATE final_connectedComponents SET component = old_component WHERE component IS NULL;';
        RAISE NOTICE '%, %', var_sql, clock_timestamp();
        EXECUTE var_sql;
        CREATE INDEX ix_final_connectedComponents_component ON final_connectedComponents(component);
        UPDATE final_connectedComponents AS c
                SET component = pp.new_component
         FROM (SELECT min(least(p.component, p.old_component)) AS new_component, old_component
                FROM final_connectedComponents AS p GROUP BY old_component ) AS pp
                WHERE c.old_component = pp.old_component AND c.component <> pp.new_component;
        -- delete dupes
        var_sql = 'DELETE FROM final_connectedComponents AS n
            USING (SELECT o.node, MIN(ctid) AS min_ctid FROM final_connectedComponents AS o GROUP BY o.node HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) AS o
            WHERE n.node = o.node AND n.ctid <> o.min_ctid;';
        RAISE NOTICE '%, %', var_sql, clock_timestamp();
        EXECUTE var_sql;
        ALTER TABLE final_connectedComponents ADD CONSTRAINT pk_final_connetectedComponents PRIMARY KEY(node);
    END IF;

Hope that helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Pgrouting-users [mailto:pgrouting-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On
Behalf Of Phyks
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 4:13 PM
To: pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [pgrouting-users] "invalid memory alloc request size" on large


> 1.) set the highest "work_mem" for the session and close all other
> running programs ..
> SET work_mem = '8GB';
> SELECT pgr_createTopology( ... )
> -- set back for the default value;
> SET work_mem = '1GB';

Same issue :

=# SET work_mem = '8GB';
=# (SELECT component, node FROM pgr_connectedComponents(
         'SELECT id, source, target, cost, cost AS reverse_cost FROM edges'
ERREUR: invalid memory alloc request size 1080000000 CONTEXTE : fonction
SQL « pgr_connectedcomponents », instruction 1

> 2.) Linux: Enable Swap space ( ~ 20GB or 2x of your RAM )
> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-
> -on-ubuntu-20-04
> 3.) optimize table variables storage spaces ( to less space )
> - change your bigint variables to integer
> for (about 40M edges) an integer [ -2147483648 to +2147483647 ]
> should enought
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-numeric.html

As far as I understand, `pgr_connectedComponents` as run in the example
above should only query the `edges` table. I already have `source` and `target`
set as regular `integer` there.

I have the impression the malloc is failing for another reason that OOM:
1/ Malloc size should be about 1GB as per the error message. This is far less
than my free RAM and seems to be a fixed buffer size somewhere.
2/ I have only 2GB RAM used on my system (hence 10GB free RAM) and do not
see any increase of RAM usage between the start of the
`pgr_connectedComponents` query and the error output.

For these reasons, I do not expect swap / RAM changes to have any effect
here, but instead a configuration option in PostgreSQL / pgRouting to allow
allocations of more than 1GB?

It seems I'm hitting https://postgrespro.com/list/thread-id/1549721
which references https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/291 but I
don't see much solutions there apart from using bounding boxes (which is
easily done for routing, much less for contraction / connected components


> Phyks <phyks+pgrouting@phyks.me> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. jan. 21.,
> Szo,
> 14:06):
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to use pgRouting on a quite large graph (about 40M edges).
>> My graph structure is expected to be quite simple and not very
>> connected (being mostly a simple tree structure).
>> I came across the discussion on speeding up `pgr_createTopology` for
>> large networks (
>> https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/discussions/2255#discussioncom
>> ment-4739376)
>> and am trying to put it in practice for my use case. Moving from
>> `pgr_createTopology` to `pgr_extractVertices` gives a huge increase
>> in processing time and memory requirements.
>> However, when trying to run `pgr_*` (`pgr_dijkstra`,
>> `pgr_contraction` or `pgr_connectedComponents` for example) on the
>> subsequent graph, I am facing a malloc issue : invalid memory alloc request
size 1080000000.
>> This is easily worked around with `pgr_dijkstra` since routing is
>> mainly local and the edges table can easily be filtered with a bounding box.
>> This is not as easy for `pgr_contraction` or
>> `pgr_connectedComponents` where tiling the computation (through bbox)
>> requires some extra post-processing.
>> I'm not sure about the units of the `malloc` error message, but it
>> seems to me this is about 1GB allocation which should be no issue on
>> the machine and setup I am running. For the record, my postgresql is
>> having either a basic configuration (out of the box install) or a
>> pgtune-d one, same issue in both cases. My machine has a bit more than
10GB of free RAM.
>> Would anyone have more insights on this issue which could help me
>> better understand and work around it? This is particularly
>> frustrating since computations on a quarter of the table (about 10M
>> edges) work perfectly fine and in a very reasonable amount of time.
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Best,
>> _______________________________________________
>> Pgrouting-users mailing list
>> Pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-users
> _______________________________________________
> Pgrouting-users mailing list
> Pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-users
Pgrouting-users mailing list

I think 1GB is a hard limit in PostgreSQL .

See for example this note


and discussed here - https://postgrespro.com/list/thread-id/1549721

Thanks for the git pointer! It seems this is a limit from [TOAST](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/storage-toast.html) which could be overcome through [Large objects](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/largeobjects.html)?

Instead of using pgr_createTopology, have you tried using pgr_extractVertices which will eventually replace pgr_createTopology? https://docs.pgrouting.org/latest/en/pgr_extractVertices.html

`pgr_extractVertices` is working perfectly fine for topology creation, as detailed in https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/discussions/2255.

In meantime, I think your best bet is to segmentize your data into groups and reconnect them by overlapping node ids.

For this I'm using this function for breaking apart https://postgis.net/docs/ST_SquareGrid.html
(alternatively - https://postgis.net/docs/ST_HexagonGrid.html ) or
(if you have areas - https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Subdivide.html --

Or some sort of known boundaries like country, city, states, provinces etc.

-- I'm going to assume your data is in 4326 (you'll need to change size if it's in another special ref)
I haven't thoroughly tested this so might need changing and you will need to change to accommodate your field names. Note the 2 in the ST_SquareGrid is 2 degrees.

> [...]

Thanks a lot for the example SQL for computing connected components over a grid. I was thinking about doing something similar but did not had a look at it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pgrouting-users [mailto:pgrouting-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On
Behalf Of Phyks
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 4:13 PM
To: pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [pgrouting-users] "invalid memory alloc request size" on large


1.) set the highest "work_mem" for the session and close all other
running programs ..

SET work_mem = '8GB';
SELECT pgr_createTopology( ... )
-- set back for the default value;
SET work_mem = '1GB';

Same issue :

=# SET work_mem = '8GB';
=# (SELECT component, node FROM pgr_connectedComponents(
          'SELECT id, source, target, cost, cost AS reverse_cost FROM edges'
ERREUR: invalid memory alloc request size 1080000000 CONTEXTE : fonction
SQL « pgr_connectedcomponents », instruction 1

2.) Linux: Enable Swap space ( ~ 20GB or 2x of your RAM )



3.) optimize table variables storage spaces ( to less space )
      - change your bigint variables to integer
      for (about 40M edges) an integer [ -2147483648 to +2147483647 ]
should enought

As far as I understand, `pgr_connectedComponents` as run in the example
above should only query the `edges` table. I already have `source` and `target`
set as regular `integer` there.

I have the impression the malloc is failing for another reason that OOM:
1/ Malloc size should be about 1GB as per the error message. This is far less
than my free RAM and seems to be a fixed buffer size somewhere.
2/ I have only 2GB RAM used on my system (hence 10GB free RAM) and do not
see any increase of RAM usage between the start of the
`pgr_connectedComponents` query and the error output.

For these reasons, I do not expect swap / RAM changes to have any effect
here, but instead a configuration option in PostgreSQL / pgRouting to allow
allocations of more than 1GB?

It seems I'm hitting https://postgrespro.com/list/thread-id/1549721
which references https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/291 but I
don't see much solutions there apart from using bounding boxes (which is
easily done for routing, much less for contraction / connected components


Phyks <phyks+pgrouting@phyks.me> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. jan. 21.,


I'm trying to use pgRouting on a quite large graph (about 40M edges).
My graph structure is expected to be quite simple and not very
connected (being mostly a simple tree structure).

I came across the discussion on speeding up `pgr_createTopology` for
large networks (

and am trying to put it in practice for my use case. Moving from
`pgr_createTopology` to `pgr_extractVertices` gives a huge increase
in processing time and memory requirements.

However, when trying to run `pgr_*` (`pgr_dijkstra`,
`pgr_contraction` or `pgr_connectedComponents` for example) on the
subsequent graph, I am facing a malloc issue : invalid memory alloc request

size 1080000000.

This is easily worked around with `pgr_dijkstra` since routing is
mainly local and the edges table can easily be filtered with a bounding box.
This is not as easy for `pgr_contraction` or
`pgr_connectedComponents` where tiling the computation (through bbox)
requires some extra post-processing.

I'm not sure about the units of the `malloc` error message, but it
seems to me this is about 1GB allocation which should be no issue on
the machine and setup I am running. For the record, my postgresql is
having either a basic configuration (out of the box install) or a
pgtune-d one, same issue in both cases. My machine has a bit more than

10GB of free RAM.

Would anyone have more insights on this issue which could help me
better understand and work around it? This is particularly
frustrating since computations on a quarter of the table (about 10M
edges) work perfectly fine and in a very reasonable amount of time.

Thank you in advance,
Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list